Cyndi Brannen, PhD, is a psychologist, author and teacher. She teaches and writes from the crossroads…
Robert Levy began climbing the shamanic mountain in 1995, attending workshops and learning from such…
Llyn Roberts, MA is a celebrated teacher of healing and shamanism. She is the author of The Good Remembering,…
Aaron Oberon is a Southern folk witch with a passion for bringing witchcraft to people from different…
~Vivienne Moss is a solitary witch, mystic, and priestess of Hekate who resides in a small Indiana town.…
Danu Forest is a traditional Celtic wisewoman, of half British and half Irish heritage. She is a writer,…
Who am I? I wondered that too, so I asked a dear friend, "what do you see when you look at me?" This…
Taren S stood in her first magickal circle in the backwoods of North Carolina when she was seventeen…
Lee Morgan lives on a communal homestead on kunanyi/Mt Wellington in nipaluna/Hobart, where he creates…
Dagulf Loptson is a writer, tattoo artist, witch, and devotional polytheist. He has been a devotee of…
From the first spell 17-year-old Amythyst cast in the basement of her grandmother's house, to the first…
Mélusine Draco is an Initiate of traditional British Old Craft and the Khemetic Mysteries. Originally…
Joanna van der Hoeven is a Druid, Witch, author and teacher. She has written several books on Druidry…
Mark is an ex-vicar, now writer and magician. He has performed all over the world, from Gothic Cathedrals…
Flavia Kate Peters resides in Buxton, where she and shaman expert Barbara Meiklejohn-Free work under…
Julie Brett is passionate about reawakening the magic of the Australian landscape. She is also passionate…
Jennifer Teixeira (Aka Mme. Hummingbird & Bird) is a well respected Witch, High Priestess and Healer…
The goddesses and their myths have long been powerful forces in Robin Corak's life, leading her to a…
Emma Restall Orr (aka Bobcat) is one of the most well-known Druids worldwide. She worked for the Order…
Known widely as The Highland Seer, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free was born and brought up in the Highlands of…
Angela Paine grew up on a hop farm in Ken where her botanist father taught her about plants. She ended…
Jane Meredith is an author and ritualist. She is passionate about myth, magic and the evocation of the…
Jez Hughes is the founder of Second Sight Healing, established in 2005 and based in the UK, a centre…
Luke is originally from Aberdeen Scotland although he has lived mostly in England and Ireland. Brought…
Nimue Brown has been an active Pagan and Druid for many years, having volunteered for the Pagan Federation…
David Salisbury is Wiccan clergy within Coven of the Spiral Moon, a coven based in Washington DC. The…
Claire Hamilton has a joint degree in Drama and English from Bristol University and an MA in English…
Ross Heaven was a shaman, psychologist, author, therapist, TV, radio and magazine contributor, workshop…
Brendan Howlin is a Druid grade member of the order of Bards, Ovates and Druids (OBOD). He has been a…
Mark Olly was born in 1962 in Warrington, England, and educated at Appleton Hall County Grammar School,…
Via Hedera is an esoteric researcher, folklorist, and sculptor operating a blog dedicated to research…
Nicholas R. Mann has spent a lifetime exploring ancient wisdom traditions. Born on a Sussex farm, and,…
Siusaidh Ceanadach has been Pagan for over twenty-five years. She trained as an Astrologer in London…
Cat Treadwell is a Druid Priest based in Derbyshire, England. She is a professional celebrant and multifaith…
Steve Andrews was born in Cardiff, Wales but is now based in Portugal, after living in Tenerife for nine…
Kenn Day is a working shaman, with a full-time practice since 1989. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with…
Cheryl Straffon edits two magazines, Goddess Alive! and Meyn Mamvro, and runs a publishing firm in Cornwall,…
Trevor is the Publisher for the Moon Books imprint. He has MA degrees in Religious Studies and English…
Karen Tate, speaker, author, workshop presenter, and social justice activist is the radio show hostess…
Natalia Clarke is a psychotherapist, a nature lover and a poet. My interests lie in exploring and…
Brendan Myers is the author of seventeen books in philosophy, environmental ethics, history of ideas,…
Rebecca Beattie lives on Dartmoor, and has a PhD in Creative Writing from Middlesex University, where…
Harmonia Saille is a Hedge Witch and pagan of almost three decades. Her pathway includes hedge riding,…
The Web is a pagan church located in Lyons, NY USA with about 25 active members participating at the…
Chris Allaun has been studying witchcraft and magick since 1992. He is one of the founders and ministers…
Dr Olivia Church is an ancient historian and Egyptologist, with expertise in prehistoric Egypt, ancient…
Katherine Wood, MA, taught reading and writing to middle and high school students for 31 years, twelve…
Sandra Ingerman, MA, is an award-winning author of ten books, including Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented…
Eve Bruce, a plastic surgeon, was trained by indigenous elders from numerous traditions on several continents.…
Frances Billinghurst is a prolific writer with an interest in folklore, mythology, and ancient cultures.…
Samantha (Starlit) is a practicing Hellenic Witch, bringing surviving sources of the Attic and Eleusinian…
Pete Jennings was born in Ipswich, Suffolk in 1953. He was educated at Northgate Grammar School and went…
Yvonne Ryves is author of 'Web of Life' published by Moon Books as part of their Shaman Pathways Series.…
Dancing Rabbit been a practicing Pagan since 1993. He was co-founder of the Elder Grove and currently…
Fiona Tinker was born in Glasgow. After many adventures covering several thousand miles and three countries,…
Mark NeCamp Jr is a tarot reader, healer, writer, teacher, spiritual alchemist, modern day practitioner…
John Michael McLoughlin is an Irish-American writer and author of Pagan Portals: The Irish Pagan Book…
Deborah Martin has practiced witchcraft and medicinal herbalism for over twenty years, earning her Master…
After settling in the U.S. in 1986, Heather Mendel's feminist awakening to sexist discrimination burst…
N.A.Shodoev lives in the Altai Republic, Siberia. Drawing on otherwise disparate cultural fragments such…
Robin Herne is a storyteller, poet, artist, dog-owner and Druid. He has written numerous articles for…
Jessica has been a practicing witch for twenty years and has travelled many different paths during that…
Jeri Studebaker is the author of Switching to Goddess: Humanity’s Ticket to the Future. She has advanced…
Maria DeBlassie, Ph.D. is a native New Mexican mestizaje blogger, award-winning writer, and award-winning…
Ed McGaa, Eagle Man, is an American citizen, a Teton Oglala Lakota (Sioux) born on the Pine Ridge Indian…
Ellen Evert Hopman is the author of a number of books and has been a teacher of Herbalism since 1983…
Ariana Carrasca is a creator, writer and ecologist, who treads an English folk witchcraft path after…
Julie Dollman is a Shamanic Healer who trained and graduated with the Four Winds Society back in 2005.…
Silver Elder has lived and worked in different countries and cultures over many years and now lives and…
Janet Munin is a devotional polytheist who has been practicing various forms of Paganism since 1988.…
Janet Elizabeth Gale is a shamanic practitioner and teacher, a certified Usui and Karuna Reiki master…
Tracey Roberts (Sunchylde DryadMoon) is an Elder and co High Priestess of the Kitchen Witch online School…
Corporate London wife Wendy Taylor endures a Stanislav spiritual emergency. She then sets out on a quest…
Johnny Moses is a Tulalip Native American raised in the remote Nuu-chah-nulth village of Ohiat on the…
A mother, wife, writer, artisan, and reiki master from the southern United States, Laurie Martin-Gardner…
Kelley Harrell is an award-winning author held by Tuscarora, Woccon, and Sissipihaw land. A lifelong…
Mael Brigde is a devotee of the Irish goddess and saint, Brigit. She founded the Daughters of the Flame…
Daniela Simina grew up in Romania, immersed in the rich local fairy lore. Since young, she apprenticed…
Melanie Godfrey was born in Cheshire but grew up in Cornwall, the Land of Saints. Melanie is a qualified…
Dr Philip West has a degree in Science, and a PhD in Philosophy and related subjects, both from Cambridge…
After trying a number of spiritualties, Andrew discovered Druidry in 2015. He is currently studying the…
After attending several free festivals, campaigning against nuclear weapons and the NSA at Menwith Hill…
Hannah has been a university lecturer, a tarot reader, a folk singer and a Priestess Heirophant in the…
Katrina Townsend is becoming the anarchist hedge Druid she was born to be, exchanging shopping addiction…
Of the fifteen years Ms. Dawson has been a Pagan, she's been Qadish (a Canaanite Polytheist) ten of them,…
Dr Kennan Taylor is a consultant, therapist and teacher in holistic health. He has degrees from Oxford…
Lucya Starza is an eclectic witch living in London, England, with her husband and cats. She is the author…
Imelda Almqvist is an international teacher of Sacred Art and Seidr/Old Norse Traditions (the ancestral…
Cornish poet, author, internationally-known workshop facilitator, Cetlic mythopsychologist in the druidic…
Alexander Arbachakov was born within the Shortsi Aboriginal group of southern Siberia in 1964 and raised…
Barry Goddard was destined as a young man to run the family veterinary business. He was, however, seized…
Ceri Norman is a green witch, folklorist, historian and an internationally known author. Her inspiration…
Erin Aurelia is an author, poet, spoken word performer, and book coach who has tended Irish goddess Brighid's…
Born in 1990, T.D. Kokoszka grew up in a household in Austin TX with a Jewish mother and a Polish-American…
Dr Kevan Manwaring is Programme Leader on the MA Creative Writing (online) and Senior Lecturer in Creative…
Mabh Savage is a Yorkshire Witch, Pagan author, and musician with a particular interest in Irish spirituality,…
Steven Dillon has been a pagan author and philosopher for over 10 years. His work focuses on the articulation…
Dorothy Abrams, known as Anemone Webweaver in the magickal community has practiced and taught Witchcraft,…
Dr Jones-Hunt's search for hidden esoteric truths fuelled her acquisition of post graduate degrees in…
Mark Carter lives, works and writes in his home town of Bloomington, Illinois. He's contributed articles…
Fred Hageneder has written eight books on the ethnobotany of trees and on woodland ecology. Some of his…
Mark Hawthorne has fostered numerous house rabbits, including seven he adopted. He has caught and rescued…
Sarah-Beth Watkins has been a freelance writer for over 20 years, writing for magazines and websites…
Ryan McClain has spent well over two decades as a student of several polytheistic traditions. He considers…
Update: 2023-01-11 - I am Peet Uys, Piet Uys' son. And as discussed before I will be taking over and…
Brenda McKoy A.K.A. Lady Brenda is the High Priestess and founder of the Grove of the Green Cobra, Temple…
I am an author, teacher, Sacred Dancer and a Third Degree Gardnerian High Priestess; Third Degree Cabot…
Dr Nevill Drury was born in Hastings, England, but has lived most of his life in Australia. A former…
Hearth Moon Rising loves exploring the multidimensional aspects of animal encounters. She takes an experiential…
Janis Fry studied Theology and English Literature at Bangor University in North Wales and Art at Swansea…
Logan Albright is a professional writer who has been studying paganism and the occult for the last 15…
Judith O'Grady is a biologist, trance seer, and the Head Druid of her Grove. A career in veterinary medicine,…
James T. Powers first developed a life-long love of history while growing up in the old industrial town…
Mab Jones is a "unique talent" (The Times) who has read her work all over the UK, in the US, France,…
Shirley Laboucane is a descendant of aboriginal healers from western Canada. Her early life was filled…
Kimi Ravensky was born with a magic and mischievous spirit, and will take advantage for a laugh with…
Piet Ceanadach is a teacher of Paganism, especially the Wiccan and Druid-Craft paths. He is a third degree…
Having grown up in a very spiritually open family Ceryn has been interested in all things new age and…
Krystina Sypniewski worked for ten years as a hypnotherapist and has worked with dreams for the past…
Sally Walker lives on the most westerly windswept tip of England – a wild ancient land of moor and shore,…
Dianna Rhyan is a mythologist and therapist who studies ancient nature goddesses, forgotten voices, and…
Denise Cush edited Celebrating Planet Earth with contributions by 10 authors. Denise Cush (BA Oxford,…
Chandra Sun Eagle is a formally trained shamanic ceremonialist, healer and counselor, studying and working…
Ness Bosch, La Huesera, is an Iberian Shamaness and Priestess. Independent Polytheist Celebrant, Author…
Ben H. Gagnon has won awards as a newspaper reporter, editorial writer, documentary filmmaker, long-range…
Rachel is the author of Lupa and Wolf, as well as the creatrix of Wolf Woman Rising, a wisdom school…
David Sparenberg has been a staff writer at OVI magazine for several years and has dozens of published…
N. Starcat Shields has been actively exploring her spiritual path for more than 20 years. Her studies…
Eric Scott was raised by Coven Pleiades, a Wiccan family based in Saint Louis. His fiction and memoir…
Thea is a Heathen and a pilgrim. She likes to think of herself as a Nemophilist, which means a 'haunter…
Diana Rajchel lives at the western edge of San Francisco, right by the Pacific Ocean and the wilds of…
Scott Irvine has followed the path of the goddess since exploring the many goddess temples on the small…
Hannah Spencer was born and currently lives in Warwickshire, England, but spent many years in Newcastle…
M.L. Rosenblad is a lifelong Pagan and the founder of the American Spiritual Alliance, as well as the…
Carol Day is an International Visionary Teacher, Artist and Author. She lives in Scotland, UK, where…
Simon Andrew Stirling trained as an actor at LAMDA before turning professional as a freelance writer.…
Michael Berman BA, MPhil, PhD (Alternative Medicines) has been involved in teaching and teacher training…
Jessica D. Rzeszewski pursued Toltec shamanism as a spiritual path for fifteen years while maintaining…
Romany Rivers is a poet, artist, Pagan Priestess and co-founder of Moon River Wicca in England. Author…
Alder MoonOak was born and grew up in Miami, Florida in a Pentecostal Christian family, but he always…
Marcus F. Griffin is a prolific author and has penned critically acclaimed works in a wide variety of…
Alan U. D. Dalul is an independent author, journalist, and blogger from Venezuela, recently based in…
Kylie Holmes, though a naturally intuitive person, has refined her skills through regular meditation,…
Laura Perry is an author, artist, and creator who works magic with words, paint, ink, music, textiles,…
For Pauline, Brigid is an expression of the Great Mother Goddess. Pauline is passionate about showing…
Susan Harper, PhD is an educator, advocate, activist, writer, and ritual specialist in the Dallas-Fort…
Morgan Daimler teaches classes on Irish myth and magical practices, fairies, and related subjects in…
Led deep into the wilds of Wales by dreams and wandering words, Halo has been a practising witch since…
Martha Gray was born and grew up in Derbyshire England moving to the United States when she was in her…
Kristoffer Hughes is Chief of the Anglesey Druid Order and the award-winning author of several books…
I am originally from Ynys Môn (Anglesey), North Wales. I grew up enchanted by the rich folk tales and…
Kelle BanDea is a neurodivergent mother of three with Traveller heritage. She currently lives in Warwickshire…
Brett Hollyhead, also known as the Witch of Salopia across social media, is a practicing Welsh Marches…
Raven Digitalis (USA) is an award-winning author best known for his “empath’s trilogy,” consisting of…
Sky Otter formerly Bill Pfeiffer is a maverick deep ecologist, spiritual coach, and shamanic guide. In…
Rachel is an English witch who has been walking the Pagan pathway for over thirty years. A working…
Taz Thornton is a shamanic healer, workshop leader and crafter of sacred ceremonial items, including…
Irisanya Moon (she/they) is an author, witch, international teacher, poet, and Reclaiming initiate who…
Katie Ness is a published writer and poet with a variety of literary sites, anthologies and print magazines…
Jhenah Telyndru has always felt called to dance with joy in that liminal space that straddles the realms…
Dawn Leith Dougherty lives in the rolling hills of rural North Carolina, USA in the northern Piedmont…
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