Harmonia Saille

Harmonia Saille

Harmonia Saille is a Hedge Witch and pagan of almost three decades. Her pathway includes hedge riding, nature, Celtic and Norse mythology, the Elder Futhark runes, scrying, tarot (and other forms of divination), and spiritual connection. She also practices magic (folk and shamanic). She studied at the Irish Centre for Shamanic Studies.
Harmonia has guest lectured in Modern Pagan Witchcraft at Liverpool John Moores University. She has a honours degree from the same university and as a post graduate has studied research at Bath Spa. She holds workshops on hedge witchery, the runes, and other subjects both locally and at international spiritual events such as The Mercian Gathering (UK), PaGE (Pagan Federation Antwerp), and Feile Draiochta (Ireland). Harmonia's articles have appeared in various spiritual magazines such as Spirit and Destiny and Fate and Fortune and she was a co-founder of Irish Pagan magazine Brigid’s Fire. She is the author of Pagan Portals - Hedge Witchcraft, Hedge Riding, and Magic for Hedge Witches, and The Spiritual Runes: A Guide to the Ancestral Wisdom. She lives in the beautiful Cotswolds UK.

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