Robin Corak
The goddesses and their myths have long been powerful forces in Robin Corak's life, leading her to a passion for helping others to transform their lives by unleashing their full potential and recognizing the unique divine gifts that lie within. As a practicing pagan for nearly 20 years, Robin has been trained and initiated in the Taibhsear and NROOGD traditions and has been a member of the Sisterhood of Avalon since 2002, where she currently serves as its Board Secretary. She is also a skilled Tarot reader, a Reiki Master, a Priestess, and a leader in both the spiritual and non-profit community.
Since 2012, Robin has been the CEO of a non-profit, social services organization with a consolidated budget of $66 million. Throughout her 22 years in the non-profit field, she has helped thousands with diverse challenges to discover their often long neglected talents, take control of their lives, and achieve their dreams A leadership development coach and instructor for both adults and youth, Robin has won leadership awards such as Advancing Leadership’s 2017 Bob Wroblewski Servant Leadership award and Soroptomists of Federal Way’s Woman of Distinction and Women Helping Women awards Robin is a graduate of the University of Washington Non-Profit Leadership Institute, a member of the Forbes Non-Profit Council and possesses a Master’s Degree in Organizational Management.
Robin has had her writing featured in publications including Goddess, When She Rules, Flower Face Bloduewedd Anthology, Her Sacred Garden: An Avalonion Herbal Journey, and Pagan Writer’s Press Yule Anthology. In addition, Mrs. Corak has been a frequent contributor to online publications such as the Tor Stone, Forbes, Buddha Groove and The Call of the Morrigan. Robin was a presenter at the 2018 Pantheacon conference (SOA Hospitality Suite), Land, Sea, and Sky’s Year With Our Gods online conference series and the 2017 and 2018 Avacon conferences. She is scheduled to be a presenter at the 2019 Paganicon and has taught classes locally and online on topics such as Reiki, Divination, Incense Making, and Gods/Goddesses. Robin is the owner of Phoenix Awen Rising, an organization which provides transformative tarot readings, presentations, and coaching services designed to help individuals identify and achieve the life that they desire. You can find Robin at her website: Phoenix Awen Rising can be found on Facebook at Robin resides in Washington state.
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