Llyn Roberts
Llyn Roberts, MA is a celebrated teacher of healing and shamanism. She is the author of The Good Remembering, Shamanic Reiki, Shapeshifting into Higher Consciousness, and the co-author of two books with Sandra Ingerman: Speaking with Nature / and Walking through Darkness. She is the founder of the Olympic Mountain EarthWisdom Circle and of Shamanic Reiki Worldwide.
Llyn has trained extensively with traditional Andean healers and has been initiated into shamanic circles by Quechua peoples in South America, and in Siberia. She holds a master's degree in Tibetan Buddhist and Western Psychology and interned in India through The School for International Training. She has facilitated sacred journeys to work alongside indigenous people living in remote regions of the Amazon basin, the Asian steppes, high Andes, and in ancient Maya lands of Central America for over 25 years.
Llyn has taught at highly regarded educational institutions in the U.S., is was a consultant to the University of Massachusetts/Dartmouth Sustainability Initiative and the non-profit, Earth Train, dedicated to the preservation of indigenous cultures and rain forests in Panama. She served as adjunct faculty for Union Graduate School and for many years directed the non-profit organization, Dream Change.
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