Wisdom for Living
You've got your own inner guidance system. Learn here how to access and use it.
You've got your own inner guidance system. Learn here how to access and use it.
You've got your own inner guidance system. Learn here how to access and use it.
Inspirational, Mindfulness & meditation, Motivational & inspirational
We live in uncertain, even dangerous times. If we were ships, we’d be traveling in rough waters and dense fog. Without a navigation system, we’d soon be sunk - literally. We need to know where and how to navigate to keep ourselves safe as we pursue our individual life journeys.
Wisdom for Living is an invaluable resource and guide for strengthening, developing, and accessing your own inherent wisdom nature. Each of us comes hard-wired with the equipment needed to navigate the rough waters of life. This equipment is our intuition or gut feelings, available to all. Yet like the GPS in a car or phone, we need to learn to access, use, and trust it.
These short essays suggest how you can find wisdom in a variety of people, places, and things. You are encouraged to keep a wisdom journal (WJ) in which you respond to a motivating question at the end of each essay. In this way, you will create a personal handbook for guiding your life while using your inner guidance to deal with challenges.
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Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. What an enjoyable and eye-opening read. I purposely took my time with this book, as it is one that contains nuggets of wisdom requiring thought and processing. Highly recommend to readers who are seeking a deeper look at the topic of learning to follow 'your gut'. ~ Erica Watkins (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. This is a book of short essays. There are questions at the end of each essay. You are encouraged to start and record your answers in a wisdom journal first thing in the morning or last thing at night. They recommend no more than fifteen minutes a day.........I really enjoyed reading this book. I have started a Wisdom Journal and will continue to answer questions related to these essays. I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in connecting with their higher self. ~ Dawn Thomas (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. This wonderful book is one to be enjoyed and used slowly over time....... I loved this book and will continue to return to it. ~ January Gray (Reviewer, NetGalley
Wisdom for Living is the fruit of a collaboration between husband and wife and consists of a series of bite-sized topics, each expanding on quotes from, well, wise individuals: great writers, sages and mystics, and so forth. It is therefore not intended to be read all at once - one topic for each day is probably the way this is intended. Neither is it intended as a 'spectator sport' - the reader is encouraged to keep a journal of his/her own reflections on each topic. By the end, each will have completed their own book of wisdom! And what about the writers themselves? It does seem that each is very well qualified to write about wisdom. Reynold Ruslan Feldham is old, at 75, and it is always to be hoped that the old do have wisdom to pass on....... He touches on Gurdjieff and Marianne Wliamson, of A Course of Miracles. He practises the Latihan. And so on. His wife, meanwhile, is a certified psychotherapist.... There are certainly, enough nuggets of wisdom to be found within these pages. This book should certainly bring out the inner sage of a anyone who chooses to go along with the spirit of this book and journal. ~ Lynda Stevens (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. A lovely insightful, helpful and uplifting book that actively encourages you to write your very own Wisdom for Living. I received this as an ebook via Netgalley and JHP Books for which I am very grateful but I personally think this is the type of book that works best when you dip in and out of it and so I would recommend buying the actual physical book. ~ ANNE ROGERS (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Honest and in-depth advice for reaching your full potential. This advice is presented in easy to follow language that can be broken up and applied in pieces at a time. ~ Cristie Underwood (Reviewer), NetGalley
This is a book to dip into. It contains over 100 sections which are like very short essays each on a different aspect of wisdom. So for example there is Arboreal Wisdom, Computer Wisdom, Eternal-Light Wisdom, Laughing Wisdom, Midlife Crisis Wisdom and so on. Each chapter opens with a quote and these along bring together a wealth of wisdom with words from Plato to Native-American sayings, to Jewish Prayers to Moroccan Proverbs. Each section concludes with a suggestion of something for the reader to consider in relation to their own life. The author suggests using a journal to write for ten minutes after reading each section and thus to create your own wisdom journal. As each section is only a page or two in length it would be very feasible to use the book for personal study or development over a number of months, taking a section and considering your personal response to it. ~ Rosalind Bryden (Reviewer) , NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Wisdom for Living by Reynold Ruslan Feldman, and Sharon Clark explores inspiring ways to keep you grounded, in the busy world that we live in today. Through a collection of short essays and meditations, meant to stimulate your own wisdom, this book encourages you to create your own Wisdom Journal and write your thoughts to each essay once a day. Each short essay starts with a piece of wisdom, be it a Native American saying, an Asian proverb or a quote from famous philosopher, author or businessman. At the end of each essay the authors pose a question of which you can answer in your own Wisdom Journal, a simple blank notebook is all you need. Insightful mindfulness, which should appeal to anyone who likes to meditate on life, and ponder the rapture of being alive. Especially if you want to learn more about calming the mind, living in the present moment and the insight and inspiration they bring. Wisdom - think of this as your own inner guidance system; a deep inner knowing. Let this way of journalling help you look into your self and help you along the way. With this in mind the future will give you daily chances to live a wiser life. This is definitely a great alternative recommended read! If Wisdom for Living sounds like your sort of book, you'd do well to pick this up next. This unique book of wisdom is both inspiring and motivating. ~ Sassy Brit (Reviewer), NetGalley
This is a very inspiring collection of short essays, great for a reminder or to use as a guidebook for life. Even if you don’t want to do the suggested journal as you follow along, it’s a very calming read for when you need something to help keep you grounded and in tune with the world around you. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ~ Michelle Reeves (Reviewer), NetGalley
The premise of this beautiful, inspiring book is that Wisdom is all around us and it is also inside us, each and everyone of us! The book consists of very short essays, one page each, and it is suggested that you read one each day to ponder. Each essay begins with an inspiring quotation and ends with a short suggestion for journaling so you can use the Wisdom in the essay to remember and take note of times in your life when that particular wisdom was activated in you. This would make an excellent gift for anyone who is interested in diving deeper into their own minds, life journeys, and spirits. Rating: 5 out of 5 stars ~ Anne Marie Bennett (Reviewer), NetGalley
This was definitely enjoyable. There was a lot of wisdom and insight which was very interesting to me. I liked it a lot. ~ Emily Wright (Reviewer), NetGalley
Reynold Ruslan Feldman and Sharon Clark’s meaningful book presents wisdom as a practical guide to living. They distinguish different types of wisdom and show how, with erudite introductions and helpful exercises, wise living can be attained. The book should be read by anyone who wants to deepen his or her understanding of how to live an examined life. ~ Victor Margolin, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Design History, University of Illinois, Chicago
This is a book you can thumb through for inspiration, pondering, and joy. In short takes, Feldman and Clark present wisdom from many sources, ancient and contemporary, that allows readers to cull and shape their own ideas to live by. ~ Sara Davidson, NY Times best-selling author of Loose-Change: Three women of the sixties
Drawing on many sacred and secular wisdom traditions, Feldman and Clark have managed to create an experiential process that draws readers to reflect on the many pithy quotations that are here explained in common-sense language. Even the playful alphabetical listing of topics adds a light touch to this inspiring collection. ~ Dr. Judith Blackburn, Professor Emerita (English and Women's Studies), Northern Kentucky University
Reynold (“Ren”) Ruslan Feldman and Sharon Clark have harvested some inspiring and wonderful adages from far and wide to produce their Wisdom for Living. They embellish our lives with that “cup which cheers and inebriates.” This small, handy treasury is a perfect repository to backpack with us when we have limited options on how to utilize a chunk of time that is surrendered to meet the demands of society. A long plane ride would be a good example. Other examples include those precious moments when we need to recharge our fatigued and depleted mind. Wisdom for Living provides us with a potpourri of wonderful life truths, some of which we may not have even considered previously. Thus, these brief essays can startle us with their simplicity and effectiveness. And a fantastic plus is how Ren and Sharon challenge us to introspect on each “Wisdom” and entice us to personalize these in our own lives and reflections. I look forward to more sparks of wisdom from them. ~ Saleem Ahmed, Ph.D., Founder & President, The All Believer Network (Belnet), Honolulu, Hawaii
In Feldman and Clark’s Wisdom for Living, their charming and profoundly wise voices reach through the pages and dig deep into our deepest human condition, shake its cage and set us free. This book is the read our world needs. ~ Kate Mueth, Founder & Director, Neo-Political Cowgirls, East Hampton, New York
In Wisdom for Living Reynold Feldman and Sharon Clark draw from the history of ancient religions and philosophers, everyday proverbs, inspirations from the influential 60's and 70's, current-day thought leaders, and perhaps, most centrally, their own lived experiences, encounters, and stories. All the brief essays are highly readable and filled with humor and insight that serve to deepen the reader's contact with their own inner wisdom and guidance through accompanying journaling suggestions. This book is a gem! ~ Amina L. A. Knowlan, M.S., Founder and Director, Matrix Leadership Institute
Reynold Feldman and Sharon Clark’s short bits of wisdom are digestible excuses to slow down, reflect, engage with your past and enrich your present. This book is a great resource for moments when you find yourself needing to take a step back from your daily routine. Or, better yet, to assign yourself a few of his page-long wisdoms each day as a rewarding morning or evening mindfulness ritual. There is a little something for everyone. You will find yourself coming back to these wisdoms over and over again - when you need them most. ~ Meredith Olsen, Marketing Professional, MBA
A richly useful book, fun to browse - simply perusing the table of contents is a pleasure and serves to underscore the fact that wisdom is not the property of any one faith tradition or people or era in human history. Indeed, Ren Feldman has drawn from every conceivable culture, religion, and time in civilization to amass a true feast of teachings about wisdom. Ren has lived fully awake and engaged with the world before him, intensely curious about and in love with it all. It is this humble, heart-open stance that allows him to draw wisdom teachings from a marvelous diversity of sources and present them for the reader to sample and ponder. The inclusion of journaling or workbook questions invites the reader to weave these wisdom teachings together with his or her own life and to begin to appreciate the wellspring of wisdom that resides inside us all. ~ The Rev. Susan W. Springer, Rector, St John's Episcopal Church, Boulder, CO
Some of the quotes in this book are reminders of perennials, some are refreshing insights, some startling revelations, some beautiful prose. They comprise an intriguing variety. The authors discuss each quote with impeccable clarity, and with the guiding idea that our lives can improve only at the core when we develop and follow wisdom. ~ Dr. Garrett Thomson, Professor of Philosophy, College of Wooster, and Executive Director, The Guerrand-Hermès Foundation
Where does wisdom come from? Perhaps it can come from within each of us if only we know how to find it. This inspiring book, which is rich with its own wisdom, will help in that search. Reynold Feldman and Sharon Clark’s comments on the words of wisdom handed down through the ages are intended to stimulate reflection on your own experiences for the purpose of awakening the wisdom within you. The journaling activity recommended will deepen this reflective process and will leave you with a manual of your own wisdom gleaned from your personal examination. ~ James Culver, M.D.
It seems that Reynold Feldman has been harvesting and sharing gems of wisdom forever. This multi-cultural maven has produced the Michelin Guides of Wisdom so we can stop and feast on ideas that nourish our souls. Remember A World Treasury of folk Wisdom and Wisdom: Daily Reflections for a New Era? Now arrives a new one, and not with silly “tips” and “advice,” that fast food of tabloids. Instead, Feldman and Sharon Clark have blessed us with Wisdom for Living. Get this book and tell the buyers at your public library to add it. ~ Loren Ekroth, Ph.D., Author/Publisher of Better Conversations essays, www. conversationmatters.com
Wisdom for Living offers exactly what its title suggests, a stimulating guidebook on how to live our lives wisely. The many pithy essays are like gourmet entrees - compact enough to swallow in one mouthful, rich enough to stimulate and satisfy our appetite. Erudite and homespun, practical and inspirational, these pages are brimming with pearls of reflection that open a pathway to our own inner wisdom. ~ Roland Evans, author of Seeking Wholeness
Dr. Reynold Ruslan Feldman and Sharon Clark have prepared a feast of wisdoms for the readers of this book. Arranged in alphabetical order, these multiple wisdoms (a number of them for each letter) range from Active-Learning to Write-Myself-A-Letter. Each entry has three parts: it begins with a quote collected from a rich world treasure trove - Hippocrates to Elon Musk!; the second part is a reflection from Dr. Feldman’s own rich experience, ending with a prompt for writing in the reader’s own “Wisdom Journal.” I find this collection inspiring in a wonderfully companioning way; it’s as though each entry (some expected, others surprising, e.g. “Right-Use-Of-Power Wisdom” or “Aloha Wisdom”) begins a conversation that the reader is invited to continue in the journal. The book offers an important meeting between positive wisdoms of past and present that the reader may carry as blessings into the future. ~ Dr. Nancy Corson Carter, Professor of Humanities Emerita, Eckerd College, author of The Never-Quite-Ending War
If there's a life situation not addressed in this book, I sure can't find it! But rather than just "applying wisdom" in various areas, these short essay-meditations use the topics to draw out the already-present wisdom in the reader. Through personal, engaging and often humorous reflections, they provoked, delighted and enlightened me throughout. This collection is a wonderful addition to the world's wisdom, and a portable friend on life's remarkable journey. ~ Cliff Penwell, Founder, OriginalVoice
This lovely book is packed with jewels of wisdom that will surely make your life more rewarding as you put them into practice. I deeply respect the co-author, Sharon Clark, as an uplifting soul with heart, maturity, common sense, and a vision for what serves and heals. I especially enjoyed the exercises offered. Take advantage of the gifts bestowed here! ~ Alan Cohen, author of A Deep Breath of Life
I read Wisdom for Living in small daily doses as I walked the Camino, unaware that there was an entry on “Walking Wisdom.” Each short chapter is a morsel of truth and a tiny sip of wisdom. It is a book to be savored, like good food and drink. By the end of the book I knew that it was not the end but the beginning, hence the wisdom to conclude the book with “Commencement Wisdom.” Wisdom for Living is an enchanting book both for the awakened and for those who are still waking up! It is the perfect companion for the other Camino, the journey we call life. ~ Fr. Philip Chircop, S.J.
Wisdom for Living is a series of short meditations on the myriad sources of wisdom that can be found in everyday life, from topics as varied as Arboreal Wisdom, Children’s Wisdom, Wisdom from Failure, and one hundred and forty-seven others. Each meditation is a gem of provocative insight sourced from Dr. Feldman’s wide-ranging scholarship and his own and Sharon Clark's rich lives. What makes Wisdom for Living unique is that at the end of each piece, we are invited to get in touch with our own wisdom on that subject and from that to create a wisdom journal, an empowering process that helps us remember that we are all wise. ~ Heather Starsong, author of The Purest Gold
The value in this book is its guiding each reader to reflect on an infinite question: What is wisdom? It seems such a simple question. Yet so many answers to explore - each as valuable and timely today as it has always been. ~ Sr. Livingston Armytage, Director, Centre for Judicial Studies, Australia
The writing in Wisdom for Living is simple and elegant. Through each short essay, the authors call on readers to take a moment of quiet self-reflection to consider the proffered wisdom in the context of their own lives. When the drive for success overcomes our need for introspection, this book can bring us back to what is important in our lives. ~ Judge Roxanne Bailin, State of Colorado