Don't Get MAD Get Wise

Don't Get MAD Get Wise

Spiritually empowering.

Don't Get MAD Get Wise

Spiritually empowering.

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Sep 29, 2006

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Dec 31, 2011

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Mike George
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Inspiration & personal growth, Motivational & inspirational


We all have some anger in our hearts, and it corrodes relationships everywhere, from the individual to the international. But anger is never healthy or justified. This is not a book about moderating or transforming our anger, but getting rid of it. At its root, anger is a spiritual rather than an emotional issue. We can't be angry, and peaceful and loving, at the same time. This is a book about learning what forgiveness really means, how to be peaceful, and to live without anger. It's about healing the wounds of our anger-driven habits and learning who we really are. Mike George begins by analysing the illusions we have created for ourselves that justify our anger. He continues, in part 2, by exploring our own inner resources that we can draw on to heal its scars. In part 3 he focuses on forgiveness-not just forgiving others, or ourselves, but the spiritual realisation that anger is not only futile, there is a part of you that it has never touched.

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