Essential Guide to Mindful Dressing, The

Essential Guide to Mindful Dressing, The

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day you could feel happy, calm and in control simply by choosing the right colours to wear?! This book tells you how.

Essential Guide to Mindful Dressing, The

Wouldn't it be wonderful if every day you could feel happy, calm and in control simply by choosing the right colours to wear?! This book tells you how.

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Dec 9, 2016

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Dec 9, 2016

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Jules Standish
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Fashion & style, Mindfulness & meditation, Motivational & inspirational


Mindfulness is all the rage – and now it can sort out your wardrobe!
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every day you could feel happy, calm and in control, simply by choosing the right colours to wear? What could be more fabulous than that?
This book tells you how and reveals the secrets of how colours can make you radiate with happiness and well-being, and how you can achieve calm in a frantic world. This is the essential guide to mindful dressing, full of practical tips and advice to enhance all areas of your life through your wardrobe.

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