Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon

Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon

Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future will guide you in learning the basics about astrology, the importance of the moon's nodes in your birth chart, and your soul's higher purpose.

Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon

Astrology's Magical Nodes of the Moon: Releasing the Past & Embracing the Future will guide you in learning the basics about astrology, the importance of the moon's nodes in your birth chart, and your soul's higher purpose.

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Jul 26, 2024

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Jul 26, 2024

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Carmen Turner-Schott, MSW, LISW
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Bernie Ashman
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Astrology (general), Horoscopes


The Nodes of the Moon serve as your passport to understanding your past lives. This dynamic polarity reveals the best ways to integrate past-life energies into harmony and creative success. Embracing the energy of your north node, for instance, will help you master your soul mission in this lifetime. In Astrology’s Magical Nodes of the Moon, you will be shown how to take the shadow away from your past-life influences and learn ways to channel this powerful energy into alignment with your current life goals. The authors of this book will discuss the nodes that you were born with, and guide you through a customized approach to find the love and success you want to attain. This book will inspire you instantly to put the information to work to fulfill your current life dreams.

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