WhatsApps from Heaven

WhatsApps from Heaven

An account of a bereavement and the extraordinary signs - including WhatsApps - that a retired law lecturer then received from her deceased husband.

WhatsApps from Heaven

An account of a bereavement and the extraordinary signs - including WhatsApps - that a retired law lecturer then received from her deceased husband.

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Jul 29, 2022

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Jul 29, 2022

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Louise Hamlin
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Afterlife & reincarnation, Death, grief, bereavement, Healing (general)


This is a book about bereavement and also about the many extraordinary happenings and signs from the afterlife that then followed. Louise talks about her personal experience of grief, in all its facets, and in a way that will resonate with readers who are bereaved. She also details, in careful and precise language, the succession of signs that she received, apparently from her husband after his death. She describes how to start with she was very sceptical and looked for all sorts of other explanations, but eventually, she came to accept that the signs, including WhatsApps and dematerialisations, must have come from her husband's spirit in the afterlife. She explains how these signs have completely changed her understanding of life and death. This book should bring comfort to the bereaved, and will encourage those left behind to recognise signs that are sent to them by their loved ones.

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