Spiritual Runes, The
Through the secret language of the spiritual runes this book will lead the reader onto a journey of self-discovery.
Through the secret language of the spiritual runes this book will lead the reader onto a journey of self-discovery.
Through the secret language of the spiritual runes this book will lead the reader onto a journey of self-discovery.
Divination (general), Fortune telling, Witchcraft
Runes are a tool for personal growth and spiritual transformation. They can assist you in your everyday life and decisions. When you cast the runes they tap into your unconscious - they talk to you, teach you, guide you. They help you to get to know the real you.
Harmonia Saille will guide you in forming a spiritual and personal connection with your runes. She discusses how when you become familiar with them, the runes communicate with you helping you to develop your intuitive abilities. You will learn how to interpret the rune signs drawing on this intuition in combination with rune symbolism.
This guide to the Elder Futhark addresses all aspects of rune philosophy, including mythology, cosmology, psychology and magic.
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I can't recall a time when the runes were not a part of my life. My mother has carried a little bag of clay bits engraved with runes on walks with her ever since I can remember. She'll stop at a bench overlooking an immense view of the Grande Ronde Valley and pull a rune out of the bag to contemplate. Never content with things as they have "always been done," I've read several books on runes to try to understand them at greater depth. Most of these books discuss making rune scripts or bind-runes for the purposes of focusing intentions and bringing needed energies to a place or a specific issue. But mostly these books make only a token stab at substantial analysis of the spiritual basis for or history of the runes. Now here is a book that claims to occupy the middle ground between the pocket how-to books that are accessible to all but seem to fall short on substance and the dense academic and primary source material. And it makes good on that claim. The Spiritual Runes is the first book I have encountered which provides solid historical information--including facts about the modern use and abuse of the runes--as well as rune interpretations for divination and very specific instructions for the use of runes in ritual and intention-based magic. Each section is complete and of suitable length and depth. No corners are cut and the tone is friendly and accessible at all points. The book goes into somewhat greater historical depth and provides more credible background for historical claims than most of my previous reading in commercial rune books. Still, the part where I found the book truly shines is the final section on rune rituals. This is mostly personal taste. I love the rituals suggested in this book. They are beautiful, simple enough to be practical and yet well-aligned for focusing intentions. I am sure to try several of them. ~ Arie Farnam, Amazon
I met Harmonia Saille last September during PaGE (Pagan Gathering) in Belgium. She gave a workshop in about "The Spiritual Runes" which we later organised as a series of two workshops in April/May 2009, in Amsterdam. We also published an article recently by Harmonia in Wiccan Rede, - "Connecting With Runes", Imbolc 2009. This book forms the basis of the above mentioned workshop(s) and article. Now having the book to refer to is really helpful. Harmonia's emphasis is on making a spiritual connection with the runes, so the runes can speak to us as the mouthpiece of the Gods. First however, Harmonia looks at the history of the runes and rune lore. She goes onto discuss the practical application of reading the runes with various exercises, including making a set of runes. In rune magic Harmonia looks at the various forms of magic, Seidhr and Galdr. Having followed the workshops and done some of the exercises in combination with the book, I have found Harmonia's method very effective. In easy to follow English the runes have become accessible and yet lose none of their mystery.
~ Morgana Sythove, Wiccan RedeAn extremely detailed book, packed with information covering every aspect of the runes from the author's own personal experiences of learning and working with them. Loads of background and history, along with the mythology behind them. Then the practical elements of how to connect with them including detailed exercises followed by all the meanings and the psychology and cosmology that links with them. This book also includes instructions for making your own set, how to inscribe, purify and empower them. Lots of suggestions for casting and reading them along with ideas for working rune magic. I can't imagine any other book on runes would cover so much about them. ~ Rachel Patterson, Kitchen Witch
I thoroughly enjoyed this 165 page study of the runes. It had a nice balance that made it a comfortable and informative read. It wasn't too deep that it lost me, but at the same time it wasn't so surface that I got bored. I learned about the history of the runes and I loved the way the author likened it to a tree, starting at the roots and branching out. I found the pictures of the runes and the graphs very helpful. ....The format was easy to follow and made a whole lot of sense. I would recommend this precious pal to anyone with an interest in the runes not just as a divination tool, but also as a way of life. Thanks Harmonia, for this well presented package. ~ Riki Frahmann, Mystic Living Today
For any one who has never actually picked up the Runes or had a Rune reading, but feel they may like to delve, this is an absolute must read. Easy to follow, easy to understand. I am now off to make my own Runes and can't wait to get started. Well Done "Harmonia" I am inspired to be a Runecaster.
~ C.E. Wise, Amazon ReviewI attended a workshop by Harmonia Saille, an English author and Hedgewitch in Amsterdam. The subject was "Connecting with the runes", based on her upcoming book The Spiritual Runes. It's not the umpteenth book listing the runes and their meaning, but a guide to help you make a spiritual connection with the runes. It includes rune philosophy, mythology, divination and magic. I'm familiar with the runes and their general meanings, always attracted to them but never explored any further. This workshop provided just what I needed.
~ Cora (Tink-NL)The Spiritual Runes: A Guide to the Ancestral Wisdom, by Harmonia Saille... This slim volume has some real pearls of wisdom. The main thing is that her energy comes through the book and reflects her first name. She is definitely a vibration of harmony. She offers concise meanings and a particularly unique exercise: Select a rune but don't look at it. Meditate first. Then, after meditation, see which rune you got. ~ Cerule's Runes of Love
Readable book that is easily digested and highly recommended for beginners. The Spiritual Runes is an informative text on the history and meaning of rune symbols and stones. Harmonia Saille openly shares her personal approach and feelings about casting runes and using rune stones for magical purposes. Yet, she also respects the views of others who choose different paths when using their rune stones. Not only does author, Harmonia Saille, guide us through the history behind the rune stones and the Elder Futhark alphabet, but she explores the mythology of the time. Harmonia takes the reader on what feels like a time travel journey to better understand runelore. It is very helpful to understand that what we think of as mythology or superstitions of the past were truths or absolutes for the people living in that time.
~ Phylameana lila Desy, About.comThis book is great for beginners and those more adapt at the study and use of the runes. It runs through the history of the runes and how they came about, rune lore, connecting with your rune set, Rune meanings (elder futhark ) in more ways than just the meanings in a casting, Psychology and cosmology, Making, Inscribing, purifiying, and empowering runes, casting and reading and Rune magic. Meaningful, yet uses plain language this book has been the rock of my discovery of the runes.
~ Desertwoman, http://www.oakandmistletoe.com.au/forum/new-book-review-threadWith the ever-growing popularity of runes as a divination system, there can probably never be too many books written about them. Here is a new one – The Spiritual Runes by Harmonia Saille. This is one book that should not be missed. It is new in its approach and full of useful information and instruction. If you don’t use the runes but simply have a passing interest; then this book is for you. If you do use the runes, and wish to improve both your knowledge and your ability to use them well, then this is very definitely the book for you. As Harmonia Saille says, “There is always something new to discover about them.” The runes are a secret language; a code or cipher that can be unlocked... and this book is the key. ~ Raymond Buckland, The Buckland Romani Tarot
The runes are a secret language, a trusted friend, putting those who study them and understand their spirit in touch with hidden and often neglected aspects of their psyches. In teaching us the wisdom of this ancient code, Harmonia Saille takes a middle path between the merely populist and the heavily academic. As a result, her readers embark on a journey of self-discovery, not only learning the runes' absorbing history, and their practical application to modern life, but also how to make and read a set of their own, aided by the author's years of experience, and her profound connection to these sacred signs.
~ Jenny Newman, is the author of the novels \"Going In' and 'Life Class'