Pagan Portals - Hedge Riding
The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge.
The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge.
The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge.
Paganism & neo-paganism, Shamanism, Witchcraft
One aspect of hedge witchcraft is engaging in a form of Otherworldly travel called hedge riding. The hedge is the symbolic boundary between the two worlds and this book will teach you how to cross that hedge. While hedge riding, the hedge rider’s consciousness travels to another place, the otherworld, which is also the realm of the collective unconscious. There the rider guided by his or her animal and spirit guides, encounters archetypal symbols and assimilates this knowledge to help guide her or him on their pathway.
The hedge riding aspect of hedge witchery is perhaps the most difficult part of the hedge witch pathway. This book focuses on that aspect alone and is an experiential guide. If you want to learn more about Hedge Witchraft, there is an accompanying book in this series, Pagans Portals — Hedge Witchcraft. Hedge Magic is to follow in a few months.
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In "Hedge Riding," author Harmonia Saille combines how-to instructions with personal experiences to create a one-of-a-kind guide for even the beginning hedge rider. Not only does she give you the "dos" and "don'ts" of hedge riding, but she also gives advice on meditation, visualization and path working; all pre-cursors to hedge riding. This book was very well-thought out and put together. There is so much knowledge and information contained within the pages of this book. While the book is only 59 pages in length, don't be fooled by the size. There is no information lacking, and it's almost as if the author is right there to guide you. I look forward to reading more from her. ~ B. DiLuzio, Amazon
This slim volume serve as a great introduction to the history and methods of hedge riding, a form of spirit travel within the witchcraft folks traditions. Riding the hedge is often confused with astral travel and pathworking, but Saille puts the confusion to rest. Using clear examples and sharing from a deep well of personal experiences, Saille brings back this mysterious practice, making it relevant for modern Witches today. ~ David D. Salisbury, Amazon
I read this little book through curiosity - I'd read another book by Harmonia and this one was mentioned. It was a lovely enlightening read - the imagery clear and the written words calming and very sensible! Thank you for a peaceful afternoon... ~ Trish (Neath), Amazon Review
On my blog I recently reviewed a book called Hedge Witchcraft by Harmonia Saille, which is an excellent introduction to that form of traditional witchcraft. Her new book, Hedge Riding,follows on from it and offers an in-depth look at one of the most fascinating aspects of hedgewitchery - the practice of travelling in spirit to other realms. These are the realms of the ancestors, nature spirits, fairies and divine beings; collectively called "the otherworld". This form of travelling is a shamanic technique, and the term "hedge riding" is used because the barrier between the worlds is seen symbolically as a hedge. Hedge riding is a subject that has not been widely written about in depth. This new book, in the Pagan Portals series, fills something of a gap in the market and I am sure it will sell well. Read more at ~ Lucya,
Finally a book that really talks about hedge riding and real hedge witchery! Don't be fooled by the small size: the content is very very valuable. I ended up reading it over and over several times to make sure I did not miss anything. ~ Sevgul Sumer Dielemans, Amazon
Hedge Riding offers a quick, clean read on a lesser-known practice in witchcraft. Harmonia Saille writes in a personable, accessible manner as she answers questions about Hedge Riding, such as “what happens when you encounter a dark entity?” and the etiquette of working with spirits. This title from Moon Book’s Pagan Portals series is one of the first four titles released that offer introductions to rarely covered topics in Paganism. Hedge Witchcraft practitioners that engage with other magical people sometimes speak of a sense of isolation, a common price of following a solitary path. Saille fills this gap in one small way with her brief overview to one of the most advanced practices in Hedge Witchcraft. ~ Diana Rajchel, Facing North
I devoured this in one hungry mouthful. What a delicious piece of Witch Lit. An extremely practical book that doesn't get bogged down in too much theory. Just the right balance for a subject which could go either way and have us fall over the hedge and into the ditch. Ouch! The author gives a good foundation to her subject, clear instructions and fair warning of the pitfalls. I liked the inclusion of magical tools as an aid to strengthen the focus and will - all important in working magic - and the author's own hedge riding experiences at the end gave a real feel of authenticity. It's definitely something I shall be including in my own spiritual practise from now on... This is Witchery at it's finest and most useful. For what is the point in learning to develop our magical vehicle (the mind) if we cannot view the landscape and journey within it? A wonderful little book. Simple. Concise and Magical... of course. ~ Chapel Witch, Amazon
Harmonia Saille's two books on Hedge Witchcraft are a true delight, being both informative and entertaining. Hedge Witchcraft is often mentioned 'in passing' but seldom examined in detail. Harmonia rectifies that oversight with her revelations of that practice as it may be followed throughout the year. Anyone, Witch or otherwise, who feels a true affinity with Nature will appreciate the explanations and teachings found in these books. I very much recommend them. ~ Raymond Buckland