Biopolitical Imperialism
The First World is a parasite, subsisting on life imported from the Third World, and exporting death in return.
The First World is a parasite, subsisting on life imported from the Third World, and exporting death in return.
The First World is a parasite, subsisting on life imported from the Third World, and exporting death in return.
Economic development, Emigration & immigration, International relations (general)
Biopolitical Imperialism is a book about international politics today. The core, eponymous thesis is that our world is marked by a pattern of biopolitical parasitism, that is, the enhancement of the life of wealthy populations of First World countries on the basis of an active denigration of the lives of the poor mass of humanity. The book details how this dynamic plays out both inside wealthy countries and internationally.
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A very strong book, exceptionally clear, incisive, and terrifying. ~ Justin Clemens