Preparing for a World that Doesn't Exist - Yet

Preparing for a World that Doesn't Exist - Yet

Preparing For A World That Doesn't Exist - Yet is about an emerging Second Enlightenment and the capacities you will need to achieve success in this new, fast-evolving world.

Preparing for a World that Doesn't Exist - Yet

Preparing For A World That Doesn't Exist - Yet is about an emerging Second Enlightenment and the capacities you will need to achieve success in this new, fast-evolving world.

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Apr 29, 2016

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Apr 29, 2016

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Rick Smyre
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Neil Richardson
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Economic development, Future studies, Strategic planning


Are you really ready for change? Are you prepared for a world changing as fast as you can read this sentence? Most leaders say they are prepared for the future, yet many organizations and communities are doing things in the same old way they’ve been working for decades. We’re living on the precipice of a new era in human history.
Preparing For A World That Doesn’t Exist - Yet offers an approach to getting ready for an emerging society that will be increasingly fast paced, interconnected, interdependent, and complex.
In Preparing For A World That Doesn’t Exist - Yet, you will learn about an emerging Second Enlightenment and the capacities you’ll need to achieve success in this new, fast-evolving world. Higher education, health and wellness, governance and the economy are transforming in ways few of us could have imagined ten or even five years ago.
In this book, you’ll get the skills you need to ride the wave of the future and the perspective you’ll need to be ready to catch the next wave, too.
Planners, physicians, government and higher-education leaders are using the principles and capacities described in this book to create better organizations, and best of all communities of the future that will lead to a planet that can thrive. Join them in looking at the future with excitement and anticipation.

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