Wandering Who? The

Wandering Who? The

An explosive unique crucial book tackling the issues of Jewish Identity Politics and ideology and their global influence.

Wandering Who? The

An explosive unique crucial book tackling the issues of Jewish Identity Politics and ideology and their global influence.

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Sep 30, 2011

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Sep 30, 2011

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Gilad Atzmon
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International relations (general), Music (general), Political


Jewish identity is tied up with some of today’s most difficult and contentious issues. The purpose of this book is to open up many of these issues for discussion. It examines Jewish identity politics and Jewish contemporary ideology using both popular culture and scholarly texts.  Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of Judaism, Jewishness, Jewish culture and Jewish ideology stand for. Atzmon analyses secular Jewish political and cultural discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist. He looks at the Jewish political attitude towards history and time, the role of the holocaust, anti-Gentile ideologies, Jewish pressure groups, Zionist lobbying and more. The current state of world affairs raises an urgent need for a change in our attitudes towards politics, identity politics and history.



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