Debunking the Myth of America's Poodle

Debunking the Myth of America's Poodle

True understanding of contemporary British militaristic foreign policy begins with a rejection of perceived subservience to the United States.

Debunking the Myth of America's Poodle

True understanding of contemporary British militaristic foreign policy begins with a rejection of perceived subservience to the United States.

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Jan 31, 2020

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Nu'man Abd al-Wahid
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Imperialism, International relations (general), Military policy


Most writing today by activists and opponents of foreign policy is rooted in the 1960s. Underpinning many of these books is the unquestioned assumption that contemporary British imperialism is an adjunct to American foreign policy. Wherever the United States invades and bombs, Great Britain lays out the carpet and obediently follows. This subservience is jubilantly referred to as a “special relationship” by its supporters; by its detractors it is disparagingly depicted as “America’s poodle”. This book argues that a true understanding of contemporary British militaristic foreign policy begins with a rejection and a historical unpacking of this perceived subservience to the United States.

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