In Defence of Life
Written from the heart, this book has the power to lift the reader into another dimension. A clarion call for a new dynamic.
Written from the heart, this book has the power to lift the reader into another dimension. A clarion call for a new dynamic.
Written from the heart, this book has the power to lift the reader into another dimension. A clarion call for a new dynamic.
Ecology, Political, Spirituality
Julian Rose presents a penetrating series of essays calling for urgent action to overcome the perilous state of our planet, at the local as well as global level. He both guides and challenges his readers to share with him a journey through the matrix-maze, and to come out at the other end a more aware and more self-assured human being.
Drawing upon his life experiences as a farmer, campaigner, artist and social entrepreneur, Julian brings to our consciousness a way to break through the destructive patterns of our consumer-obsessed society and discover a simpler and more fulfilling way forward.
Using essays exploring a wide range of pressing planetary concerns, he calls upon his readers to utilise the largely untapped power of their deeper instincts in coming to the aid of a severely depleted global environment and in striving for the amelioration of mankind's perilous human condition.
Julian speaks about sustainable farming, biodiversity and quality food here:
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In Defence of Life is a collection of essays by UK organic farming pioneer Sir Julian Rose, which will arm you with both facts and attitude about our planet, our place on it and how we can navigate the challenges we are facing and be better inhabitants. He writes about the positive effects of organic farming, stressing that small and local promotes both healthier food and very real senses of community. In other essays Rose addresses the money systems that tie us to their philosophies and consequences. He explores the role and influence of the European Union as a means of making money. Rose also writes about the spiritual connections and responsibilities we should feel about our planet and other people. The breadth of Rose's experience enables him to bring together aspects of green wisdom and he joins an increasing band of people pushing for change to our destructive behaviour. ~ Caduceus, Tony Rollinson
Book Review In Defense of Life: Essays on a Radical Reworking of Green Wisdom by Julian Day Rose Julian Rose’s latest book, In Defense of Life, offers twenty-four essays on topics like “The Cult of Passivity” in our world, the story of his successful campaign to protect the right to sell and consume real (raw, organic) milk in the UK, “Health, Balance and the Life Force,” factory farms, consumers’ power, rights and responsibilities, as well as firsthand details of Polish organic farmers’ struggle against EU encroachment, GMO’s, and economic sabotage. Throughout this broad range of discussion runs a common current that encourages readers to rediscover our own Divine spark so that we can reclaim our world from the “Super-State” and runaway global corporate control. Julian shares and analyses specific strategies for change, noting how and why certain forms of advocacy work while others fail to deliver desired results. In Defense of Life is a humbly ambitious project. Without knowing Julian’s background, one might assume he has bitten off way more than one author can rightfully chew in one book; however, a lifetime of education and vision, organic farming, professional theater, community involvement and passionate advocacy qualifies Julian Rose as a strong spokesperson and role model for positive change on all levels. Far from spouting off theoretical solutions, Julian walks his talk, and his sensitive, compassionate and deeply aware soul shines through every page. This book will most appeal to intellectual, creative and/or spiritual people bothered by the direction of our world, but unsure what to do about it. Those who live in Europe will appreciate his detailed descriptions of EU policies and how they really affect organic farmers and countries lured into debt by promises of an economic boon. As an American, I find this information useful for helping less informed people understand the global agenda at work. Recognizing what’s happening elsewhere sheds light on corporate and government shenanigans on this side of the pond. When we see the same patterns emerge in other areas, it becomes more difficult to maintain head-in-the-sand denial of Shadow Governments and conspiracy facts. Despite his time in Poland, Julian’s prose remains very British — his passion simmers beneath the surface, which might well suit those first learning about some of the more maddening policies and situations in our world. I do not recommend trying to read this book in one or two sittings. Though short, the essays pack an individual and cumulative wallop. Reading them too quickly diminishes their impact. I suggest first letting an essay wash over you, then rereading it in order to absorb all the information and nuances. Julian Rose is a brilliant man, and he lets that brilliance shine through without apology — as well he should! In this action, he models his own urging for each of us to find our passion and live our own best lives as inspired beings. In its quiet, sensitive way, In Defense of Life drops paradigm shattering love bombs on its readers’ “comfortable” denial. Even if you already know most of the cited facts, Julian Rose’s extreme love for humanity and this world will work on you and in you — urging you to unleash more of your own love in action. ~ Julian Rose, Lauro Bruno's Blog
Book Review : “In Defence of Life” by Julian Day Rose Julian’s latest book is a timely and up-to-date contribution to our joint efforts to find ways out of the serious state our society and planet are in. Being a pioneer organic farmer he comes from a 'green' background. Responding to developments in society as a whole his book is exactly what the subtitle says - a radical reworking of green wisdom. He transcends the 'green' viewpoint and offers a much more encompassing understanding - a holistic understanding of agriculture, economics, politics, activism, spirituality and nature. His book consists of essays on various topics and can be viewed as consisting of two parts. In the first 10 chapters he deals with distinct issues and in the following he moves on to a much broader perspective. He starts by looking at the obvious passivity of much of modern society and explores the reasons behind it. Then he writes about the current state of British society and its 'special relationship' with the US and the impact this has on us and those targeted in the context of the ongoing neo-colonialistic wars. The following essays deal with organic farming and how big business is trying to integrate this movement into the current system. He makes proposals for how this can be overcome through direct cooperation between farmers and consumers. Then he describes the efforts in Poland to preserve small scale farming, and the beauty and biodiversity of its countryside in context of Poland’s struggle for independence. Organically this leads to the question of the role of the European Union, the devious role of GMOs and the corporate quest to control the food supply. From Chapter 11 onwards he discusses energy and time, human nature, health and balance, the European Superstate and the economic collapse. This leads to proposals about how to build the new out of the old. Julian shows that this can only be done by reuniting the spiritual with the practical through activism and by remembering and going back to our roots. When reading this book one also catches a glimpse of the determination as well as the compassion and caring nature of the human being Julian Rose. It is a book of realism as well as hope and a call to every one of us to get active. He himself sets an example through his engagement as co-director of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, co-launching a highly successful ‘Campaign for a GMO Free Poland’ as well as leading a high profile defence of peasant farmers, whom he regards as the true guardians of biodiversity throughout the world. I consider this book a ‘must-read’. It helped my understanding and encouraged me through its wisdom and insights to continue my personal efforts. R. Teichmann Retired sea captain, activist, writer, poet, amateur musician and editor of ~ Rudy Teichmann,
5.0 out of 5 stars; an impassioned call to radical and spiritual activism. Julian Rose has an unusual combination of skills and interests: he is a trained actor, an organic farmer, someone acutely aware of the environmental crisis we face, a political activist, and someone with spiritual awareness. Throw all these together and you have a powerful combination. His book `In Defence of Life: Essays on a Radical Reworking of Green Wisdom' draws on all these strands of interest to offer ideas for how we can address the mess we find ourselves in. Rose argues for combining our spiritual awareness of the Oneness and sacredness of life with the `fire in our bellies' that refuses to knuckle under the behemoths of governments or corporations and instead becomes openly rebellious - challenging the status quo, refusing to conform. The book starts with an essay drawing parallels between acting and political awareness. He suggests we have grown too used to being passive members of the audience, admiring the `stars' on the stage which is elevated and separate from us. He urges us to engage in the `experimental theatre' of political activism, in which the audience joins the actors on the stage. Passivity of the masses is the product of consumerist culture and his essays are trying to wake us out of the `consensus trance' of accepting the status quo, to stand up and say `Enough!' We need this kind of message, and though Rose sometimes seems to be haranguing us too much, better by far to err on the side of passion, and when we consider the gravity of the threats to life on Earth a little ranting can surely be forgiven. His solutions to the mess are eminently sensible: his idea of `the proximity principle' whereby each town becomes self-sufficient may seem unachievable, and yet this is precisely the goal that Transition Towns are working towards, and because a solution seems impossible to achieve should not make us shy away from trying it - when not trying it is leading us so clearly to ruin. His information on factory farming, processed foods, the madness of excessive food miles and GM may all be familiar to anyone with a green awareness, but Rose writes about it with inside knowledge - he was instrumental in fighting off legislation to ban raw milk, for example, and has an intimate knowledge of the machinations of the agro-industrial complex. Having read his account of the effects of EU agricultural policy I have done a U-turn in my thinking - I'm not at all sure now that the EU is a force for good. Above all `In Defence of Life' gets us thinking and encourages us to get radical - to actively engage in the defence of the Earth and all life, to wipe the sleep from our eyes and to creatively engage with the challenges that face us. ~ Philip Carr-Gomm
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming, an actor and a writer. He has broadcast regularly with the BBC and authored hundreds of articles on ‘green’ issues. He is currently President of The International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside. He lives in Whitchurch on Thames, UK. Mr. Rose speaks from his decades of experience as an activist and organic farmer in this insightful, integrative book. The book is a series of articles focused at informing people of the mechanisms of domination of the globalized corporate agricultural machine, and how various peoples’ choices and movements can shift us onto a sustainable path. What Rose has done with this compilation of essays is something that great authors should aim for. He has taken a grounded base of organic farming and woven the story that depicts how the power of the corporations can transform that basic idea. Here is one example of the many integrative tasks Rose successfully navigates. “Organic farming” conveys the idea of small and local, but lots of care and even a sense of community around the food that is produced. The “consumer” is ideally part of that community and not simply a consumer/customer. In comes corporate agriculture and suddenly we are looking at what has become the standard food model complete with factory farms, mono-agriculture, and organic food actually covering more miles from farm to plate that non-organic. Rose integrates globalized agriculture and demonstrates how the very concept of “organic” has become just another “label” and one that is also more expensive. Mr. Rose does not leave us a drift in the world of corporate cooptation, but also discusses how we can take the power back. If you care about how things work, and also community organizing, “In Defence of Life” is an excellent resource and I highly recommend it. ~ Rowan Wolf, Cyrano's Journal Today
A Rebellion of the Spirit Natasha Gartside grasps what it means to be a conscious and active human being. In Defence of Life: Essays on a Radical Reworking of Green Wisdom by Julian Day Rose. Earth Books, 2013. ISBN: 9781782792574 Exploring what it means to be human, to actually live on this planet, Julian Day Rose’s book In Defence of Life exposes a myriad of truths that appear to be just that: the truth. However, this book’s purpose is not just to reveal, but also to suggest ways forward, powerfully inciting its readers to change and to act. Written by a farmer, campaigner and activist, it tells of the author’s hands-on experience of agriculture, the British government and the European Commission since the 1980s and it focuses primarily on aspects of farming and food. The details often surprise, such as the idea that mass-produced organic food is “as dull in flavour and as lacking in nutritional vitality” as conventional chemically produced foods, and that the high-protein GM soya fed to factory-farmed hens has added synthetic colours to make the otherwise grey egg yolks bright orange. Rose forcefully condemns GMOs and the irreversible genetic pollution of our food chain, going so far as to reveal that it has been scientifically proven that eating GM food alters our own DNA. Poland is used as an uplifting example of the fight against GM seed and crops: in 2006 the president signed a declaration to ban the import and trading of GM seeds, helping to protect the thousands of small-scale family farms and their fertile, chemical-free soils. Expanding out from this, Rose takes in the bigger picture, attacking the international corporations that control most aspects of our lives and the politicians we have supposedly elected to ‘power’, labelling the politicians mere puppets of this “unseen shadow regime”. Banking empires, agrichemical conglomerates, pharmaceutical giants, oil magnates and food and seed monopolies such as Monsanto run the show, using mass media and propaganda to indoctrinate us with superficial capitalist consumerism and distract us with light entertainment. Rose also describes ‘human-made’ weather technology that leaves toxic ‘chem-trails’ in the atmosphere. This is part of Stratospheric Aerosol Geo-engineering, which is a global climate-modification programme that only a few people know about and understand. Much of what this book reveals is chilling and scary, and you cannot turn its pages without a sense of injustice and without missing Rose’s emphasis on the part played by our own passivity and refusal to acknowledge our responsibility in “the global drama”. On the final page, Rose calls for a “rebellion of the spirit”, and I certainly feel my spirit stirring, for the vital need to take action – now, today, this moment. Thankfully, he suggests many ways we can do this, from learning how to grow food and harvest rainwater, to investing in local ecological farming ventures and energy initiatives, to weaning ourselves off shopping at supermarkets. More generally, he urges us to remember that we are part of Nature, and that we exist in a state of flux with every other particle of the universe; and he suggests that we try to find a balance and “learn how to slow down, calm and centre ourselves: to ‘Be Here Now’” – that we practise yoga and show animals the love they so freely give to us. Throughout the book, in reference to all aspects of our lives, Rose circles back round to ideas of a small-scale, local, community-based existence. He endorses the concept of going back to our roots, emphasising that small truly is beautiful and that “there really are local solutions to global problems”, such as his own interpretation of the ‘Proximity Principle’. In a globalised world undergoing various crises, Rose’s words give us a much-needed kick. In Defence of Life is a springboard for determining our destinies and unearthing our humanity. Natasha Gartside is an environmental writer and food blogger. © The Resurgence Trust | Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Registration & Login Help | Sitemap | Contact Us This site uses simple cookies. More Information The Resurgence Trust publishes Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Registered Charity Number: 1120414 ~ Resurgence, October 31 2014
I think that (were he still here) Mr. Alan Watts, for all his brilliance and insight, could learn something from Mr. Julian Rose. It’s called informed, compassionate truth-fired action. Thank you Julian – I had to dust off my battered old Thesaurus to find a word that means more superlative than superlative…. erm ….. incomparable… matchless (nowhere near). This is truly a great piece of writing. ~ Soliel, 'Just Wondering' blogsite
Your piece is generating beautiful reactions - YOU my dear man are changing the world and the paradigm continually!!! ~ Zen Gardner,
Sir Julian Rose, organic farming pioneer in the UK and international food activist, may be our greatest cheerleader for both speaking and acting from within truth inside the global miasma of thick, drug-and-distraction addled, mind-controlled, intransigent denial and oppression. ~ Dylan Charles, Editor: Waking Times
You're an important and authentic talent that needs to stay active. This, along with your other work, is vital to humanity's victory -- which I believe has already been achieved in our unseen timeline. But it's only been achieved because important people like you are playing their necessary role. Keep up the great work! ~ Eric Blair, Founder/Editor Activist Post
It was a very interesting experience, often exhilarating, and I am very impressed and moved by the plea you make for a change in consciousness. ~ Aidan Rankin, author