Take Me To Truth
Best-selling title on shedding the Ego with sales in excess of 30,000
Best-selling title on shedding the Ego with sales in excess of 30,000
Best-selling title on shedding the Ego with sales in excess of 30,000
Channeling & mediumship, Spirituality, Theosophy
Best-selling title for ACIM with sales in excess of 30,000
"Take Me To Truth" is not just a book - its a revelation. Nouk Sanchez is a gifted spiritual teacher who knows what she is talking about and has a good idea of how to communicate her knowledge. The writing of Nouk and Tomas is uncompromising, exciting and strikingly consistent. Gary R Renard, author of "The Disappearance of the Universe"
Take Me To Truth is the first book to present a practical guide to the six stages involved in shedding our distorted ego perception. It explains why our search for real happiness has eluded us and how to perceive the Love for which we all yearn so deeply. As Gary Renard says in the Foreword… despite the thousands of things we may appear to have to choose from in this world, there are really only two things, and only one of them is real. The ego being fear, is not. Take Me to Truth heralds the next crucial step in our awakening from suffering.
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Take Me To Truth: Undoing the Ego by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira is a wonderful book on how to undo the ego and achieve transcendence of it. This book takes one step-by-step through the process of undoing the ego and explains the different stages of undoing. This book also provides guidance on the path to undoing the ego and helps us arrive at the beginning of living a life of wholeness with the Unified Self. This book also shows us how to have unified relationships instead of the normally ego controlled ones most of us have. This book is a wonderful guide to undoing the ego. I really enjoyed this book and think it is a good reference guide also and I will be reading it again. This book is very deep and will make you look at 'reality' differently. Take Me To Truth is a wonderful guide through all the steps to undoing the ego. This book is a blend of the wisdom found in A Course in Miracles and non-duality. I would recommend this book to students not just of A Course in Miracles but any spiritual student who wishes to transcend the ego and arrive at the Unified Self. I acknowledge that I received this book free of charge from John Hunt Publishing in exchange for my honest and unbiased review of the book. ~ Rose P., Lovetoread
This is a seminal book filled with wisdom on how ego integration must precede ego transcendence. Sanchez and Vieira take us to the source of our ego-self, help us understand and accept its rightful purpose, and thereby carve a true pathway to our liberation into Love. ~ Jacquelyn Small, author of Awakening in Time; The Sacred Purpose of Being Human: A Healing Journey Through the 12 Principles of Wholeness; Founding Director of Eupsychia Institute.
A good map will show you how to reach your destination, warning of dead-ends and other dangers while highlighting wonderful views and vistas along the way. The authors have drawn such a map; a precise path through the pitfalls of Ego to the holy land of Unified Self. This is a wonderful guidebook, from someone who has field-tested every page. ~ Robert Rabbin, author of The Sacred Hub: Living in Your Real Self; Echoes of Silence: Awakening the Meditative Spirit; Igniting the Soul at Work: A Mandate for Mystics; speaker, writer, founder of Radical Sages.
This insightful and provocative blend of A Course in Miracles, the Enneagram, and non-dual wisdom clearly reflects the author's deep personal investigation into the nature of Truth. ~ Stephan Bodian, author of Meditation for Dummies; Buddhism for Dummies; Living Yoga.
The biggest block to wisdom is knowledge...It is about getting over our knowledge about ourselves as our identity in order to discover the Identity we already had...This book is about how to get over being smart, rediscovering yourself as a dummy, and then becoming a smart dummy! ~ Dr. Brad Blanton, author of Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth.
I have just finished reading "Take Me To Truth, Undoing the Ego" and I think it is an absolute Godsend. Nouk and Tomas draw from "A Course in Miracles" along with some of the great awakened Beings of our time to lay out a complete and accessible path to awakening. One thing that I find so refreshing is the way that the authors establish so clearly the intricate and tricky workings of the ego. It is only from acquiring a very clear understanding of how egoic beliefs distort reality, that we have the chance to catch ourselves at the very onset of false perceptions and make a new and revolutionary choice; the choice of Love! It is obvious that the authors have traveled this path and from their deep connection with the Source and their overflowing love, they deliver the precious jewels we need. And now for those of us who are finally ready to make the sincere commitment to awaken to, and live the truth of our being, we have no choice but to succeed! ~ Jack Funfer, owner of Heart of the Lotus, Santa Fe, NM.
Take Me to Truth is the perfect book for our time. Nouk and Tomas show us how to return to truth in a remarkable way that is both fascinating and easy to understand. They distill the core truths found in "A Course in Miracles" and bring us insightful ways to heal our feelings of frustration, limitation and unhappiness that come with the ego thought system. We highly recommend this book to any serious seeker of the truth. ~ Robert and Mary Stoelting, Co-Founders of Pathways of Light
This book is wonderful. ‘Take Me to Truth’ manages to be ‘A Course in Miracles’ book in content, without being primarily a Course book in form, and that's high praise indeed! I feel this book is helping me right now, in ways that make me feel that it will help a lot of people. Somehow the authors have a wonderful ability to express this stuff in day to day language, in a way very different again from Gary Renard’s (The Disappearance of the Universe) 'vernacular’, but equally effective in driving the message home, and showing people just how damn practical this Course really is; It really revolves around being present to where you are, tuning in to the right channel by making the other choice. ~ Rogier F. van Vlissingen, author of Closing the Circle.
Sanchez and Vieira help us deal constructively with the major cause of all our suffering: the human ego. Without the recognition of the ego within us, we are doomed to remain in pain. The authors give us poignant insights and practical tools for transcending the ego, thereby allowing us to move into pervasive joy and love in our lives. A most valuable book! ~ Henry Grayson, Ph.D., Mindful Loving and The New Physics of Love: The Power of Mind and Spirit in Relationships.
Radical honesty is required to grasp Take Me to Truth: Undoing the Ego by Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Vieira. The authors suggest that the ‘self’ you think you are, is a mistaken identity – a separate thing that is mostly alone and afraid, desperately searching for fulfillment in people and objects outside of itself. ‘What is that haunting feeling of incompleteness trying to tell us? It is in all of us, all the time; however, we keep ourselves too distracted that we hardly dare tune in to it and listen deeply or intently to its call,’ suggests Take Me to Truth. Using A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and other spiritual teachings, Nouk and Tomas suggest several steps that can help propel you from the duality and fear you have created to the oneness of Source. ‘When the Buddha said, - I am awake - he did not mean he was amazingly alert and ready to manifest like hell,’ says Gary Renard, author of Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality. ‘He meant that he realized he was not a figure in the dream; he was the maker of the entire dream.’ Gary, who wrote the foreword to this exciting philosophical work, states: ‘The writing of Nouk and Tomas is uncompromising, exciting, and strikingly consistent. We cannot realize enlightenment while we still cling to our mistaken identity, the ego. The negative ego is the one adversary we face in life.’ Take Me to Truth suggests various methods to be free of ego attachments. Quantum forgiveness tops the list. Being in the present moment, dealing honestly with guilt, and use of the Enneagram are also discussed. Are paths, processes and tools useful? Anything that assists in the quest toward true wholeness is good. As ACIM clearly states, it is important to look directly at the thing you have called love, see it for what it is, and allow Spirit to remove the blocks to Love’s presence that you have created. Nouk and Tomas call us to this Singular Unified Self. As Take Me to Truth declares: ‘When you hear the unmistakable - Call to Truth - you will summon the courage, commitment, and willingness to release the dream and reclaim your inheritance - this is the end of suffering. This is true freedom! ~ Cynthia and Jim Kresock, Venture Inward Magazine, The Edgar Cayce Organization, Virginia Beach VA, USA.
Take Me To Truth is not just a book - it's a revelation. Nouk Sanchez is a gifted spiritual teacher who knows what she is talking about and has a good idea of how to communicate her knowledge. The writing of Nouk and Tomas is uncompromising, exciting and strikingly consistent. From the Foreword by Gary R Renard, best-selling author of The Disappearance of the Universe; Your Immortal Reality. It’s rare to find a book that really honors the depth of A Course in Miracles and provides true help on the path of Awakening - this work is both profound and practical. Illuminating, inspiring and thought provoking. ~ Michael Dawson, author of Healing the Cause: A Path of Forgiveness, The Findhorn Book of Forgiveness
This is it! Finally, the difference between seeking enlightenment and actually living it. I have been a student of ACIM for many years, and the philisophy of this great great book seemed to remain somewhat elusive, to me. After reading both of Gary Renard's books, the meaning became a delicious surprise and finally, I found the God I was looking for, yesss!!! (Also, very important to me, I did not want to morph into some kind of new-age, born-again, in your face Christian, screeching my philosophy, while not living the truth. And amazingly enough, that did not happen. My family, friends and acquaintances just keep noticing that I have become much kinder, calmer and happier, not such a bad thing.) I am now on my 3rd reading of Take Me To Truth and am delightfully amazed that every single time, I am led to a new level of not only awareness, but how to take that awareness into the world we are now existing in, and live it. I believe I have read almost every self-help, spiritual, new-age book that has been published, and thank every one of those authors for leading me here. They are all speaking the truth, but, as you will learn, there is another level that needs to be accessed, before a permanent change becomes possible, and this is just so refreshing. Wait until you discover what forgiveness really means! And, how about everything is predestined, so anger is never justified, plus discovering everything you don't like in someone else is really just you projecting that onto them! (Hah, you'll learn to have fun with this one) And, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Believe me, your ego will rail against just about every word you read, but Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Viera have managed to not only put ACIM into a practical application but have incorporated firm and gentle guidance as you go though each phase. Understanding seems to come quickly, and then, ahhh, the peace. And there is so much humor (life becomes fun again!) as you learn to become an interactive observer. This book is for everyone that has always known there has to be a better way, and finally, there is. A personal note here: my children are spaced very far apart and we still have our 16 year old at home. The first time I started reading TMTT, the two older ones returned home (uh, there are no accidents), so for the first time in many years, I had all my kids back under one roof. This has proved to be a delightful experiment for all of us. What I always secretly wanted and did not even realize until I read TMTT, was to have a magnificent relationship with my family. Poof, after 33 years of marriage, and three children, it is here. Thank you, thank you, thank you Nouk Sanchez and Tomas Viera! There is a much more exciting and loving way to live, as we learn to change our minds about the world, and learn that eventually, that is what really changes the world. Louis Armstrong knew what he was singing about: "It's a Wonderful World." ~ S. K. Dubel, Beaver PA, USA
I am a long time student of A Course in Miracles and it remains my central spiritual path. However, as every ACIM student knows, this massive tome, albeit a spiritual masterpiece, can be a bit unwieldy and obtuse (ya think?). How refreshing it is to discover a book which presents solid Course teaching in a new and much more accessible form. While I'm sure that the authors of this book would agree that there is no substitute for in-depth study of the source material, it is nonetheless a welcome respite to have these timeless principles restated in plain english. That is not to imply a "watering down" of the Course material. In fact, just the opposite is the case. Reading this book has given me fresh insights that I am anxious to take back to my study of the Course. All in all, it's a wonderfully thought out and very well-written introduction to ACIM and to the newly emerging Wisdom Tradition as well. Bravo to Nouk and Tomas. I hope this isn't the last work we'll see from these two exceptional teachers! ~ Irish Boy, Cleveland Ohio, USA
I enjoyed reviewing this 229 page enlightened guide, because it really helped to answer a lot of questions I have had about my soul development. A biggie it helped me with was the understanding of why I have these feeling of separation, guilt and fear when I can sense we are all one. It may sound a little complicated, but the author's did and exceptional job explaining it. I fell in love with the six stage ego undoing process, and was amazed at how well presented and simple the lay out was. I found the graphs and the worksheets gave me that extra guidance. I would recommend this much needed way out for anyone serious about releasing the dream and being the truth. Thanks you two, for this fantastic accomplishment. ~ Riki Frahmann, Mystic Living - The PlanetStarz ezine