Nature as Mirror

Nature as Mirror

Everything in life is an organic process. This work helps to reflect back to you where you are in your own process.

Nature as Mirror

Everything in life is an organic process. This work helps to reflect back to you where you are in your own process.

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Feb 25, 2011

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Stephanie June Sorrell
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Ecology, Inspiration & personal growth, Mind & body


Nature as Mirror addresses the natural cycles in our lives and the reflection of our own inner process in nature. Basing our psychospiritual development on the model of the tree, a symbol of the continuity of life, Stephanie Sorrell shows how we may understand the rhythms and cycles of the tree and integrate them into our vision in a conscious way.

Through the lens of the natural world there is no such thing as death - only transformation. Once we understand this we can transform our lives by removing mankind's deepest fear of death and non being. In this way Nature as Mirror is an ecological guidebook for body mind and soul.

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