Julian Rose
Julian Rose is the the owner/manager of a 'Country Estate' in South Oxfordshire. Reluctantly initially - but upon discouvering a passion for organic farming this soon changed into enthusiasm. Before becoming a full-tme farmer, Julian was an actor in an international experimental touring theatre company; living and working in the USA and Belgium and touring widely. Prior to this he trained for stage management at Royal Academy of Dramatic Art. Julian currently works in Poland in support of the small farmers. Throughout the 1980's and 1990's, while building up his organic farming enterprise, Julian served on both government and BBC Agricultural and Rural Economy Committees. He twice fought and won a national campaign to save unpasteurised milk from a government ban. He and his Polish partner now fight the corporate/government collusion that wishes to bring genetically modified food and farming operations into the Country. It's front line activism and dangerous. Julian started writing seriously while attempting to persuade the British government to adopt a sane agricultural policy in the 1980's/90s. Around that time he became the agricultural correspondent for the green broadsheet 'Environment Now' and a regular contributor to the Soil Association's membership magazine while serving on the board of this organisation. Julian has contributed articles to the Ecologist, The Guardian and Resurgence magazine and letters to all the main broadsheets and in various journals over a period spanning some 20 years. As something of a pioneer on the food/farming front - he has been infront of the camera (BBC/ITV etc.) on many occasions and has been a regular broadcaster on BBC Radio 4 during the 1990's in particular. Programmes in which he participated include The Food Programme, You and Yours and The Moral Maze. In 2007 Julian broadcast a series of 'Letters from Poland' for Radio 4's early morning Farming programme. Julian writes factually yet from the heart. Poetically yet in the medium of prose. He is driven by some higher force to confront and ameliorate that which is blatantly unjust in our society. He lives in Whitchurch on Thames, UK.
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