Lucy Wyatt
Lucy Wyatt grew up in the university town of Cambridge, UK. After leaving Sussex University with degrees in International Relations & Italian, and an MA in European Studies, she worked first for NEDO, in marketing for Sir Terence Conran's design empire, and went from there to editing a magazine for City of London stockbrokers. She has two daughters and now lives in Suffolk with cattle and horses on an eco-farm rescued from dereliction in 2000 that generates its own electricity from home-grown bio-fuel, recycles rainwater and has a 3-pond domestic sewage system based on Schauberger principles. The farm is an attempt to put into practice living in comfort and in harmony with Nature. Her enquiry into origins and nature of ancient civilisation grew out of an interest in alternative medicine. She is a trustee of the Gatekeeper Trust and has led Earth energy pilgrimages on equinoxes and solstices for the last 10 years.