Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs, A

Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs, A

A new and spiritual look at the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Spiritual Look at the 12 Signs, A

A new and spiritual look at the 12 signs of the zodiac.

Paperback £9.99 || $14.95

Mar 31, 2017

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Mar 31, 2017

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Joseph Polansky
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Astrology (general), Horoscopes, New thought


A spiritual perspective on the 12 signs of the zodiac, the horoscope, healing and spirituality.
People's quirks and idiosyncrasies have deep spiritual roots. The horoscope shows us what they are. What are seen as flaws are really strengths deeply disguised or not used properly.
Every sign is in essence a spiritual force and function and denotes a person's deepest urges. This book explains these urges. It also contains meditations for each of the signs, and the herbs, colors, gems and reflexology points that will most benefit each sign. There are chapters on the unique spiritual path for each sign and the healing modalities that are best for each - and much more.

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