Since We Saw You Last

Since We Saw You Last

Interactive Bible Study using Gary Barlow's music to illustrate the points of study. A clear, creative way to run a study or fellowship group to deepen discipleship, suitable for small groups and individuals.

Since We Saw You Last

Interactive Bible Study using Gary Barlow's music to illustrate the points of study. A clear, creative way to run a study or fellowship group to deepen discipleship, suitable for small groups and individuals.

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Mar 27, 2020

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Ben Clowes
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Bible study guides, Contemporary christian, Inspirational


Methodist Minister, Rev Ben Clowes has produced a series of Bible studies which relates scripture to living in the 21st Century. Using the music of Gary Barlow’s highly emotional 2013 solo album, Since I Saw You Last as a backdrop, the studies look at how as a Church we connect with people most often at times of rites of passage.

Since We Saw You Last offers a clear creative way to run a study or fellowship group to deepen discipleship.

If people are searching for meaning in their lives, we need to speak into this as Christians and Ben believes this is at the heart of the links between the ‘I am’ sayings, rites of passage and the words we hear so eloquently put by Gary Barlow. Christians must be a people who reach out and share the good news of Jesus’ love with the world.

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