Wisdom from Franciscan Italy
A modern life of St Francis with his unique vision for the contemporary world and revolutionary exposition of Christian spirituality.
A modern life of St Francis with his unique vision for the contemporary world and revolutionary exposition of Christian spirituality.
A modern life of St Francis with his unique vision for the contemporary world and revolutionary exposition of Christian spirituality.
Catholic, Inspirational, Prayer
David Torkington tells the story of a small group of secular Franciscans on pilgrimage in Franciscan Italy led by the hermit Peter Calvay. The book shows how the essence of Christian spirituality is restored by Francis and details the implications of the revelation of the Primacy of Love received by Francis moments before he received the Stigmata. It then explains how this is the starting point for St Bonaventure’s spirituality and John Duns Scotus’ Mystical Theology of love. This profound theology is detailed with consummate clarity and made practical in the lives of two of the pilgrims who commit themselves to each other for life.
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The Franciscan discipline has a certain level of faith unseen elsewhere in the world. "Wisdom from Franciscan Italy: The Primacy of Love" delves into the story of a pilgramage into Franciscan ITaly led by author David Torkington and how the trip inspired those who came along with it in their faith and other endeavors of life. Offering a view of a devoted aspect of Christiantiy and much more, "Wisdom from Franciscan Italy" is a thoughtful tour of the style, very highly recommended.
~ Margaret Lane, Midwest Book Review
I found Wisdom from Franciscan Italy to be a charming book and a thoroughly enjoyable read. It is a mixture of travelogue, a history of St Francis and a study of the ideas of Franciscan Spirituality as enacted today by lay or secular Franciscans. There is to the writing a wonderfully mellow feeling that in some ways transports you even deeper into the lyricism of journeying alongside those following in the ways of St Francis.
It is a wonderful book and certainly one any Lay Franciscan might well enjoy reading and definitely something anyone interested in finding out a little about Francis and Franciscan Spirituality might well enjoy.
I found the book echoes so much of our Franciscan spirit. The aspect that was particularly excellent was the succinct synopsis of the teaching of Scotus and the way he views theology in the light of the Primacy of Love. That is beautifully done. The setting is that of a journey towards a loving relationship paralleling the underlying story of Francis that re-echoes throughout its pages. ~ Fr Thomas More OFM cap Oxford emeritus Provincial of the Capuchin Order.
It was an unforgettable experience to read this book and to re-visit Franciscan Italy under the spiritual guidance of Peter Calvay, that fascinating and profound character I had first met many years ago in David Torkington’s trilogy on prayer. With his deep insight Peter has led me with a steady hand through those places where Francis planted the seeds of that mysticism which, after eight centuries, is still capable of drawing those who thirst for simplicity, joy and peace ~ Fr Mario Conte OFM Conv. Editor of Messenger of Saint Anthony, Padua
This is the best book on Franciscan Spirituality that I have ever read. Its teaching on the Primacy of Love is revolutionary and will make all Christians realise how far they have strayed from their origins. It should be mandatory reading for all who call themselves Christians. ~ Emilia Tyler, Past President of the Third Order of St Francis (Florentine Province)
The author is to be congratulated. This is a fine book that will be a valuable addition to the large Franciscan library. It portrays well and accurately, the principal elements of Franciscan spirituality. I find the style simple and easy to read. It flows. It presents very well the essence of Franciscan prayer. ~ Fr Quentin Jackson OFM PhD emeritus professor and former Provincial of the English province