It's Not About the Coach
Inspiring those being coached to make informed choices about coaching, discover readiness for learning and develop the values required for success.
Inspiring those being coached to make informed choices about coaching, discover readiness for learning and develop the values required for success.
Inspiring those being coached to make informed choices about coaching, discover readiness for learning and develop the values required for success.
Coaching (general), Leadership, Personal growth (general)
Coaching is a space between two or more people. It’s Not About the Coach is about inspiring coachees, those being coached, to make informed choices about coaching, discover their readiness for learning and develop the values required for success. In doing so coachees can achieve accelerated results in business, sport and life situations.
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The Premier League is the most competitive League in the world, and in the last three seasons I noticed the biggest differences are to be found in the area of mental fitness. There is more and more literature in this important area, but in my view, nobody presents a method that works on developing coachability - affecting the coach, coachee and their territory, as successfully as "It's not about the coach". Everyone is a coachee whether it be in sport, work or life - this book will help you to maximize individual potential and even surprise yourself with your hidden talents. Opening the door into developing a necessary method to self-coaching. Enjoy the reading, the results will be extraordinary. ~ Roberto Martinez, Everton Premier League football manager
Stuart Haden gets to the heart of coaching – the coachability of the coachee! Coaches and coachees alike should embrace It’s Not About the Coach to accelerate the crucial transformation that happens when a coachee fully engages their own growth. Bravo! ~ Kevin Cashman, Best selling author, Leadership from the Inside Out
In sport we neglect the importance coachability of players at our peril. Likewise in business we must place further emphasis on the coachee so that they can get the best from coaching and reach their true potential. It's not about the coach is a must read for anybody looking to improve their performance on or off the field. ~ Robert Jones MBE, Wales and British & Irish Lions Rugby Union
Stuart Haden's book It's Not About the Coach shows you how to engage coachees in the most important conversations they will ever have, conversations they will probably never have with anyone else, conversations that will be transformational for the individual and their organization ~ Robert Hargrove , Author, Masterful Coaching
This is a must read for anyone involved in sport or business coaching. Perfect for aspiring athletes or those wanting to get the best from coaching at work. An enjoyable story that explores the journey of coachability - possibilities, perception and performance. With authentic practice at its core I love the new angle on coaching. Are you coachable? ~ Roger Draper, CEO, LTA British Tennis
It’s not about the Coach is one of a rare breed of books that looks at the coaching experience from the coachee's perspective. Coaching is a two way process and whilst it makes much of the ‘coaching alliance’ there are many aspects to the coachee's experience that need consideration. This book highlights a range of topics in a thought provoking manner. It is well worth the money and should aid coaches and coachees alike in thinking about their coaching from many perspectives. ~ Gladeana McMahon, Chair Association for Coaching UK
Who would have thought that completely out of left field comes a book that gives us all the opportunity to transform our lives! Stuart Haden's concise little masterpiece answers the question Gordon Brown put to me "what is it you want for all young people", my answer "what the really lucky have, a personal trainer and a life coach”. This book is inspirational for every living soul regardless of age or background. Get it, read it and get on with a really full and exciting life! ~ Barry Sheerman, Member of Parliament & Chair of the Skills Commission
An inspiration. A must have for anyone setting out for their first or even 31st major challenge. ~ Robin Harvie, Author, Why We Run
Stuart has developed a unique approach to coaching. Embodying authenticity, this book walks the talk and we all have plenty to learn from this perspective. ~ Tony Wrighton, Author & Broadcaster
Most professionals give their attention to enabling the coach to take the full responsibility for success in the coaching relationship. So the pursuance of the other side of the coin has great merit and the idea that a coachee who is fully informed and mentally prepared for the coaching process will achieve greater results is a valuable one. This is a book that will be of great benefit to coaches and coachees alike. ~ Annette Simmons, Author of Quantum Skills for Coaches
Stuart accurately conveys how to get the best from being coached. This supports not only the coachee but also challenges the coach to understand the coaching relationship from different perspectives. ~ Janice Caplan, The Scala Group, Author, Coaching for the Future and of The Value of Talent.
A fascinating and highly readable book in which Stuart weaves an account of his own developmental journey, with occasional references to coaching values and principles to bring them to life. The analogies with sports coaching make it even easier for anyone new to coaching to relate to. Team building, feedback skills, leadership styles, networking and creating a coaching culture at work are smoothly woven into stories of personal change, love and loss. The questions at the end of each chapter will enable readers to understand how what they have read applies to their own lives and experiences at work. ~ Carol Wilson,