Be Visionary

Be Visionary

Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization, demonstrates to existing and aspiring leaders the positive impact of applying visionary creativity, and decisiveness to achieve spectacular long range results while balancing the day to day.

Be Visionary

Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization, demonstrates to existing and aspiring leaders the positive impact of applying visionary creativity, and decisiveness to achieve spectacular long range results while balancing the day to day.

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Dec 9, 2022

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Dec 9, 2022

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Marty Strong
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Conflict resolution & mediation, Decision-making & problem solving, Leadership


Be Visionary: Strategic Leadership in the Age of Optimization is a self-help, business leadership book that demonstrates to existing and aspiring leaders the positive impact of applying flexibility, creativity and decisiveness to achieve results - even in uncertain times. More importantly, this book helps leaders to understand that while business operations optimization may have value in certain circumstances, it can also adversely affect a leader’s management style, his or her message and replace strategic thought with short-term focus and gratification. For example, even the most efficient wagon-wheel manufacturer in the early 1900s was put out of business by the invention of the automobile - think and lead strategically!

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