Bronwen Logan
Bronwen Logan, also known as Bronwen Stiene, is an educator in the Japanese art of Reiki, as well as a writer, an animal lover, a thinker, a feminist, and a catalyst for spiritual and personal empowerment. With 25 years of teaching experience and counting, Bronwen’s teachings extend beyond the conventional, inviting you to explore the deeper, transformative elements of the system of Reiki.
Bronwen’s interests include studying meditation from a variety of cultural influences, writing about her spiritual experiences from a philosophical and practical perspective, discovering more about the importance of Japanese culture and philosophy in the system of Reiki, embodying the role of women in the healing arts, supporting the wellbeing of animals through healing work and more.
A driving force in the Reiki community, Bronwen co-founded both the International House of Reiki and Shibumi International Reiki Association. She’s the co-author of respected works such as The Reiki Sourcebook, The Japanese Art of Reiki, and Your Reiki Treatment. Her extensive publications and teaching materials have been a cornerstone for students globally, offering guidance that blends scholarly accuracy with heart-centred intuition.
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