Dictionaries, Energy (qigong, reiki, polarity)
Bursting with Reiki facts this A-Z of Reiki Pocketbook is compact, easy to use, up-to-date and professionally researched. It is simply the best summary of all you need to know, including the most up to date information, in the handiest form. Find the answers to all your questions about Reiki, what it is, where it has come from, where it is today, historical and modern day Reiki practices, with this Reiki compendium. Formatted like an address book, it is easy to flick through so that you can find out everything you ever wanted to know about Reiki. Bronwen and Frans Stiene have researched Reikis origins in Europe, Asia, Australia, North America and Japan. Founders of the International House of Reiki, they research and teach Reiki from the traditional Japanese perspective.
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The pick of the crop for our Reiki harvest. My copy of this little pocketbook is already looking a bit dog-eared because I've been flipping through it a lot. Fortunately, it seems to be of very sturdy construction, so it can probably stand to be thumbed through frequently for years to come. Most any Reiki term you might think of can be found in this book, along with some you've never even heard of or imagined. People, techniques, Reiki terminology in both Japanese and English, Reiki styles and organizations, as the cover states: "Everything About Reiki" has been crammed into this tiny 254-page portable reference book. ~ Janet Dagley, The Reiki Digest
This 272-page trade softcover book is a portable dictionary of terminology one is likely to encounter in the practice of Reiki. The authors include both traditional Japanese ideas as well as non-traditional Western additions. There's just enough information in each entry to prompt the memory or get an informed answer, yet the information is succinctly presented. There are some spiffy black and white photos and drawings to illustrate some of the points. Great to see some photos of Reiki and related practices from the 1930s! I've been keeping this pocketbook by my side while teaching Reiki classes so that students can hear/read that what I've been saying can be found somewhere in writing. Helpful to Reiki practitioners of all levels and "schools". ~ James Wells, The Six-Rayed Star Newsletter
Book of the Week What do I love more than healing reference books? Pocket-size reference books! The A-Z of Reiki pocketbook is jam-packed with Reiki-related information. Reiki teachers and students alike will want to have it which is why I have chosen it as my Book of the Week selection...so much information loaded into this small package. ~ Phylameana lila D' sy, About Holistic Healing
Clear, concise, informative and easy to use, A to Z Reiki is a valuable reference book for every Reiki practitioner's library. ~ Kathleen Prasad, co-author of Animal Reiki
I simply treasure this simple, yet comprehensive A-Z Reiki pocketbook, and I will keep it handy. ~ Inamoto Hyakuten, Japanese Reiki Master and Founder Komyo Reiki Kai