September-11 Code, The
An ordinary man meets four angels who ask him to unlock a code that tells the unbelievable truth about 9/11.
An ordinary man meets four angels who ask him to unlock a code that tells the unbelievable truth about 9/11.
An ordinary man meets four angels who ask him to unlock a code that tells the unbelievable truth about 9/11.
Numerology, Prophecy
This book is too religious for New Agers, too occult for Christians, too numerical for spiritual seekers, too mystical for scientific types, was written by a nobody, is addressed to everybody and makes the most outrageous series of statements ever claimed as facts.
So read it anyway and have your understanding of the world blown apart.
The September-11 Code is two things. Firstly, it is a chronicle of one man s dramatic spiritual awakening and the education he subsequently received from angelic tutors. Secondly, it is a concise summary of the alphanumerical code he was trained to find and the devastating revelations it contains. The code is found within the NIV Bible (2001 Edition), popular culture and two world-impacting events: the terrorist attacks of September the 11th, 2001 and the funeral of Pope John Paul II in 2005. It insists that 9/11, the first major event witnessed in real time by the entire world, was nothing less than a staged drama, depicting several biblical tableaux and containing the most electrifying news of all time. The book goes on to present further devastating revelations about Karol Jozef Wojtlya and Osama bin Laden. It ends with a message to us all from Jesus Christ.
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Over the years there have been many books purporting to reveal great secrets: some make an attempt at doing so with varying levels of success and others fall at the first hurdle, but The September-11 Code succeeds spectacularly well on various levels. In fact the profound implications suggested by the book might even say infinitely more about the human condition than the revelations it contains. What William Downie has done here is make an excellent case that the abomination perpetrated by terrorists on the fateful day mentioned in the title heralded the second coming of Jesus Christ. He does this by applying an ancient divinatory technique called Gematria to the biblical texts set out in the New International Version (NIV) of the bible. At the risk of oversimplifying things, at its most basic this technique replaces letters with numbers (A = 1, B = 2 etc) and when that happens something truly magickal happens, because words and phrases with the same or similar meanings have an identical numerical value. I do not intend to start extracting examples from the text of the book to demonstrate this, because it is much better to see them explained in the appropriate context. In fact the author makes no assumptions and in the opening chapters goes to some considerable effort to make this fascinating technique both accessible and understandable to the reader. Every aspect of what occurred that day; the main players, the events and locations are all there encoded in the pages of the NIV bible. There are even truly astonishing numerical synchronicities between Pope John Paul and Osama bin Laden and their roles in what occurred. Where the book also works remarkably well is in giving the reader a clear insight into the ‘psychic triggers’ that sparked the desire in the author to embark on what was clearly a lengthy spiritual journey. This is done in a meticulous and logical fashion which makes it clear that none of these interlinked yet enigmatic events were coincidences; this is true synchronicity at its very, very best. As to whether this is the work of some Creator God is left up to the judgement of the reader, but there is clearly something truly majestic at work here. Bill Downie actually constructs beautiful geometrical shapes and patterns from the mathematical equivalents of the texts he explores; it is almost akin to something magickal that continually hints at something much, much deeper and it is here that the second hidden level kicks in. While the revelations are breathtaking in their own right, the method used to unlock them carries absolutely immense implications about the universe and the role of the human race. If, as is shown here, words and phrases with similar meanings have the same numerical values, then this has to mean that language was deliberately constructed in a logical and mathematical manner. If this is the case then what is being suggested here? Are we just players in some prewritten, unknown and unknowable work, or is it all just random and due to chance alone. If even half of what is in the book is true then our destiny is already preordained if we have the eyes to see it. This book is literally groundbreaking in its premise and will surely rank as one of the all time greats in prophetic literature and deserves to be read. ~ Brian Allan, Paranormal Magazine
What William Downie has done in this awe inspiring book is nothing short of miraculous. His diligent approach to decoding aspects of the Holy Bible (New International Version) is both thought provoking and astonishing. The author leads the reader into looking at certain aspects of man’s inhumanity to man of which the tragic events of the Twin Towers is but one example. His mathematical approach at deducing numbers throughout certain movies and the implications to his overall thesis is also jaw dropping. All in all this is one book that should be read by believers and sceptics alike and upon doing so; you’ll most certainly see the world in a different light.
~ Malcolm Robinson, Malcolm Robinson (Founder Strange Phenomena Investigations) Author UFO Case Files of Scotland (Volume 1 & 2) and Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 1)
The September-11 Code peels back the curtain of Time to reveal an extraordinary Truth.
Ive been following Downies work with English gematria as he has applied it to the NIV (New International Version) Bible for several years and have often been amazed by the discoveries hes made. I didnt know, however, any of the remarkable, and sometimes unexplainable phenomena he has experienced in his personal life. The experiences ranged from prophetic dreams and cryptic visions to uncanny "coincidences" that were not only related to his work but ultimately served as guiding lights, showing him the way along his road less traveled, ultimately culminating in a spectacular piece of work: The September-11 Code. Could it possibly be true that the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 was foretold throughout the scriptures of the Holy Bible? Has William N. Downie truly discovered a code that proves this admitedly outrageous claim? And can it be true that the English language and the alphabet we use to write that language have been somehow encoded or "programed" in such a way that it can be used to decipher hidden "truths" within seemingly random and unrelated portions of text, especially within the NIV Bible? Can it be true that Downie was miraculously given a "key" to unlock the coded messages within that version of the Bible? Marcello Truzzi, founding co-chairman of the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal (CSICOP), a founder of the Society for Scientific Exploration, and director for the Center for Scientific Anomalies Research has been credited as being the originator of this phrase: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." I believe Downie would agree with that admonition and his book, The September-11 Code, is his attempt to provide just such extraordinary proof. Has he succeeded? Readers, of course, will judge for themselves. Some will say, "No". Some will say, "Yes". Some will remain on the fence. Some will say its inspired by angels and some will say its the work of the Devil. What I cant imagine, however, is anyone saying that The September-11 Code is not an enlightening and awe-inspiring testimony to Downies genius and his remarkable perserverence to overcome the many obstacles, both personal and societal, that often threatened his progress throughout his long, strange journey. In my opinion, its people like Downie and books like The September-11 Code that make life really, really intriguing. Just when you think youve heard it all, along comes something like this. I cant help but be reminded of Shakespeares famous line from Hamlet: "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy". I highly recommend The September-11 Code to anyone whos not afraid to take a peek behind the curtain.
~ Gary val Tenuta, Author of The Ezekiel Code - A novel ( and The Secret of Nine - an exploration of English gematria ( engrossing was William Downie's book," The September-11 Code", I read it in one sitting, utterly unable to put it down. Downie not only has an amazing story to tell, he develops it with the talent and ease of the seasoned writer. He was able to conceptualize the Code in a way that was both fascinating and easily grasped by the layman, while at the same time providing more than enough mathematical evidence with scriptural types and shadows, to satisfy the biblical scholar and mystic. With 9/11 so engrained in the global conciousness," The September-11 Code" will appeal to a broad spectrum of readers across all genres . In fact, I predict it will become a modern classic in a genre of its own. William Downie's book has come forward at a time in history when we are witnessing an increase in spiritual hunger and curiosity across the globe. We've seen books such as The Da Vinci Code, a blend of fact and fiction, soar to the Top Seller's list with its blend of mysticism, drama and ancient mystery. How much more so will The September-11 Code appeal, with the factual and amazing account of a secret code in the bible, unlocked by a mysterious key, which deciphers one of the most earth shattering events of modern history ! Regardless of whether one arrives at the same conclusions as the author, the Code itself and the manner in which it was revealed will both intrigue and confound the reader. ~ Kathryn LeCorre, Canadian Author
Many supposed 'codes' have been discovered in recent years, but never one so vital, fascinating and revealing as this. Bill Downie demonstrates that the real secrets affecting the future of humanity and the planet itself lie waiting to be discovered in scripture. This information, which was discovered using the ancient science of gematria, also implies that the very language we speak is a construct founded on mathematical principles and if that does not amaze you then nothing will.
~ Brian Allen, Author of Dark Messiah, The View From the Abyss, The Hole in the Sky