Nostradamus;  The Illustrated Prophecies

Nostradamus; The Illustrated Prophecies

Nostradamus; The Illustrated Prophecies

Hardcover £19.99 || $29.95

Dec 4, 2003

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Peter Lemesurier
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Historical, Prophecy


The predictions of Nostradamus have been continuously in print since his death and count, alongside the Bible, as one of the two bestselling books in publishing history. Today interest has never been higher, with claims that he foretold recent events and fears that even worse is to come. But prophecy is a tricky business at best, and much of what is claimed for Nostradamus is based on mis-translation, over-optimistic interpretation or corrupt texts. Light years ahead of anything else in the field, this is the first translation by a professional linguist, and the first to reprint all the original prophecies in their original editions. It is the only one to offer a proper, literary verse translation of all the original prophecies, and to identify the historical sources of the prophecies. It is the only one to identify the original omen books, to illustrate them from the original sources, and to offer reports of these omens in contemporary English translations. It sets the standards by which other translations will be judged, and for the general reader brings the art of prophecy into the light of day.

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