Historical, Prophecy
The predictions of Nostradamus have been continuously in print since his death and count, alongside the Bible, as one of the two bestselling books in publishing history. Today interest has never been higher, with claims that he foretold recent events and fears that even worse is to come. But prophecy is a tricky business at best, and much of what is claimed for Nostradamus is based on mis-translation, over-optimistic interpretation or corrupt texts. Light years ahead of anything else in the field, this is the first translation by a professional linguist, and the first to reprint all the original prophecies in their original editions. It is the only one to offer a proper, literary verse translation of all the original prophecies, and to identify the historical sources of the prophecies. It is the only one to identify the original omen books, to illustrate them from the original sources, and to offer reports of these omens in contemporary English translations. It sets the standards by which other translations will be judged, and for the general reader brings the art of prophecy into the light of day.
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a major breakthrough in Nostradamus research, giving the quatrains true meaning instead of the rough translations that we knew until now. One of the most impressive achievements of the book is in the explanation of Nostradamus's sources. Lemesurier, with this book, has demonstrated to my entire satisfaction that he is a hard-working and eminently enthusiastic researcher. His organisational abilities are of very high order and enable him to achieve this truly magnificent result. ~ Mario Gregorio, Archivist of the international Nostradamus Research Group
Lemesurier's book is a significant effort to reveal the written sources underlying the prophecies of Nostradamus. He shows convincingly how Nostradamus drew on contemporary publications for implicit references in his use of omens. He reveals where Nostradamus really gained his 'inspiration' for his prophetic verses. This book represents one more substantial step in the critical evaluation of the work of the famous Renaissance prophet. ~ Dr. Elmar R Gruber, Leading German Nostradamus expert.
An excellent edition of Nostradamus's Prophecies, based on the original editions (Lyon:1555, 1557 and 1568) with their translations, and especially research into their textual and iconographic sources (including the famous Mirabilis Liber). This new opus will be as helpful to the researcher as it will intrigue the newcomer. ~ Dr Patrice Guinard, Director Centre Univeritaire de Recherche en Astrologie
A revelation. I am amazed by the translations' objectivity and Lemesurier's refusal to interpret the prophecies beyond what the text itself suggests. The handsomely produced book is a supremely important volume to stock in your store. ~ , New Age Retailer
a stupendous research task, sound, sane and overwhelming...(solves) one of the most magnificent man-made riddle of the past millenium. ~ Professor Peter Jensen