Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences
A journey from before birth through childhood, teenage years, and adulthood to old age, guided by imaginary friends, higher dimensional beings, archangels, and Carl Jung.
A journey from before birth through childhood, teenage years, and adulthood to old age, guided by imaginary friends, higher dimensional beings, archangels, and Carl Jung.
A journey from before birth through childhood, teenage years, and adulthood to old age, guided by imaginary friends, higher dimensional beings, archangels, and Carl Jung.
Jungian, Spiritual, Supernatural
This is a book for those who want to know secret things, for anyone with a steadfast desire to awaken, for seekers. The book moves through time from right after World War II, when the author was born, to the present. While traveling through the decades with her, you will have a front-row seat at nineteen different - sometimes harrowing but always wondrous - experiences, which took a lifetime but in the end helped the author understand the nature of reality, why we’re born, where we come from, and where we’re going.
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I very much enjoyed your book and append my forthcoming review below - the current issue of our journal is attached and I’d love to have you speak on our webinar platform next year. Your book also inspired a poem appended below the review. With every good wish David These autobiographical episodes outline key events in the author’s life, especially in relation to teachings from the invisible world and its influence in our third dimension. Each chapter contains an exercise building on its insights. One condition for incarnation seems to be forgetting one’s true nature and embeddedness in the One. Remembering this is the path of rediscovery. Susan is encouraged to turn her focus inwards toward the formless realm and write down the messages she receives in story form. Her many intimate relationships teach her that she must no longer wall herself off from her vulnerability, and also to listen carefully to the inner voice; we all need to feel loved, that the true source is in the depths our own hearts. A striking episode concerns a patient who suddenly became afraid of flying, and they work together to visualise safely arriving at the destination. She boards a flight to Zürich and cannot visualise her arrival; and she feels queasy on her way to the airport. Susan has the experience of floating up in the dark sky and seeing her patient and many others floating ever higher, beyond her reach. The flight crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, with no survivors. The author shares important insights surrounding the death of her father and her sister Anne. She learns that to be dead is to be completely unfocused in physical reality, and that we are moving towards becoming homo luminous, claiming our divinity and becoming conscious of how we materialise events through attention and intention. Jung plays an important in her development, and she has a powerful experience when visiting his tower in Bollingen (she also converses with him during an inner journey – pp. 120-22). He tells her that the greatest healer is the Self, the inner being of each human, and that our task is ‘to create a union between the ego and the eternal Self which is part of the Oneness of all. This is no easy task. The mind must bow down before the heart.’ (p. 123). At Bollingen, her inner voice tells her that she must stand like a mountain in the centre of her life. She receives many teachings from discarnate intelligences, which have a profound spiritual resonance; that a complete Unity binds everything, that dualities are teaching tools for the third dimension, that we are all creators learning to know ourselves consciously as divine, that at our core we are love, and that a Connection to source allows us to heal. The illusion that we are alone and separate creates a great deal of pain and suffering, we need ultimately to choose service to others rather than service to self. We all come to the third dimension to learn that we are all One – there are no others. This is inspiringly summed up as follows: Seek love in every moment. See everything as One being. See the universe as One being. Gaze in the mirror. See God. Look at another. See God. Gaze at all creation. See God. This message could not be more important in our time of deep divisions fuelled by violence and war according to the outdated pattern of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. ~ David Lorimer, The Scientific and Medical Network
Lovingly packed with some of her very own and very personal paranormal experiences with Jungian theory, Plunket deeply explores the much deeper mysteries of human consciousness, bringing forth a prose that is one of the most intriguing explorative on the subject that I have personally had the pleasure to read. Inclusive of events, factors and historical ruminations that touch upon astral travel, angel visits, ghostly encounters, conversations with the dead, out-of-body experiences, possessions, dream realities, visits to other dimensions and oh-so-much more, the author dutifully addresses life’s big questions: Who are we? Why are we born? Where do we come from? Where are we going? and so forth. ~ Exclusive Magazine, Review
Paranormal Perspectives: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences is an insightful spiritual journey and a must-read for those seeking a Jungian perspective on paranormal phenomena. I highly recommend this life-changing book to anyone fascinated by the topic and searching for answers. ~ G.L Davies, author of Haunted: Horror of Haverfordwest, Review
I'm not exaggerating when I say I feel like this is the book I’ve been looking for my whole life. Everything else I have read is either too much or not enough on the subject. I read the first page of this at work and stopped because this is not the kind of book you want to read while your mind is focused on something else, this is something you really want to focus on properly, when everything around you is nice and quiet. I am already excited to read this again and recommend it to everyone. I know a lot of people who will be helped immensely by this. This was a beautiful read. I’ve heard a lot about the trilogy she wrote but never got around to reading it, but that’s going to change right now. 5 out of 5 stars ~ Carlie C (Reviewer), Netgalley
This is my first exposure to the author’s writings, and I enjoyed it. I tend to gravitate toward books that describe someone’s spiritual journey, and this one had the bonus of possessing a Jungian perspective. I found myself resonating with the writing style (a cross between journal entries and a conversational tone) and the wisdom imparted through the experiences reflected over a lifetime. I particularly like the author’s humility and transparency with her shadow elements as she embraced the totality of her being. The book has a welcoming feel devoid of piousness and superiority. The exercises/meditations offered at the end of each chapter invite readers to explore the material more deeply on a personal level. ~ Karen Axnick (Reviewer), Netgalley
justpratibha Book - A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences: A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences Author - Susan Plunket Rating - ⭐⭐⭐️⭐⭐/5 Susan Plunket’s “A Jungian Understanding of Transcendent Experiences” is a fascinating journey into the realms of the paranormal, deftly weaving personal experiences with Jungian theory to explore the deeper mysteries of human consciousness. The book is an intriguing exploration of the extraordinary, touching upon astral travel, angel visits, ghostly encounters, conversations with the dead, out-of-body experiences, possessions, dream realities, and visits to other dimensions. Plunket’s narrative is both personal and profound, moving from her birth in the aftermath of World War II to the present day. This chronological journey allows readers to witness her evolving understanding of the invisible world, providing a front-row seat to nineteen distinct, often harrowing but always wondrous, transcendent experiences. What sets this book apart is Plunket’s application of Jungian psychology to these experiences. She uses Carl Jung’s theories to frame her encounters, providing a structured and scholarly lens through which to understand the paranormal. This approach not only grounds her experiences in a respected psychological theory but also makes them more accessible to readers who might be skeptical of such phenomena. Throughout the book, Plunket addresses life’s big questions: Who are we? Why are we born? Where do we come from? Where are we going? Her insights are profound and thought-provoking, encouraging readers to reflect on their own beliefs and experiences. By the end of the book, Plunket has crafted a compelling argument for the existence of a greater reality beyond our everyday perception, one that is deeply interconnected and conscious. Plunket’s experiences and insights offer a rich tapestry of wonder and introspection, making this book a valuable read for anyone curious about the deeper aspects of existence. ~ reviewer JustPratibha, Goodread's BookBuff
I really enjoyed this book. I have more experience and education in Jungian psychology than I do with this book's paranormal and other major tenets. That being said, I found the more paranormal and mystical discussions to be really inviting and well-stated. Susan Plunkett does a wonderful job of detailing really complicated and intense experiences in a very open and welcoming way. Unlike many authors who discuss relationships with higher beings and guides, Susan Plunkett shares these stories as relational and grounding instead of ego-centric. Her approach to discussing these relationships allowed me, as a reader, to feel alongside her in a journey and not have an experience as if I were being spoken to from a pulpit. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and feel more open to these paranormal experiences and guides as a result. Thank you, Susan!!! ~ Holly Gamroth (Reviewer), Netgalley
Susan takes us on a journey from before birth through childhood, teenage years, adulthood, and old age, guided by imaginary friends, higher-dimensional beings, archangels, and Carl Jung. This is quite a fascinating book to read from paranormal perspectives that are unfamiliar to us. 5 out of 5 stars ~ Yakub Tirza (Educator), Netgalley
The whole book is an ode to love, offered through the journey of a beautiful soul. It sings directly to the heart, inspiring a deeper knowing of life. ~ Salman Nahas, healer & spiritual counsellor
If you’ve ever asked, What am I doing here? What is my purpose? What is my soul’s journey? Does evil exist? this is the book for you. Susan Plunket weaves together psychological insight and soul wisdom to take you on a journey into multidimensional reality to answer these very questions. It’s a brave telling exposing both her failures and breakthroughs as she attempts to demolish her imperial ego. But it's far more than her own story of awakening, captivating as that is. It's a guide for awakening your own divine power, a book to be cherished and shared with all those you love. ~ Dr. Sura Al-Shibib, Intuitive Chiropractor
Congratulations for baring your soul's journey through your writing! The last chapter is particularly powerful. I felt it deep inside. Much of what you write resonates with my own experiences and that- to me- is our mission in writing: to connect with and touch readers in a profound manner. I sense this adventure of composition has been cathartic and healing for you. I read every word. Good work, my friend! Below is a short blurb of my impressions after reading your work: A moving, gut-honest memoir of the author's experiences on her journey of spiritual awakening. Ms. Plunket expertly describes and leads us into the myriad of disillusionments, confusion, break-throughs and thrills that frequently arise on the authentic pathway of self-discovery. Readers will undoubtedly identify with both the pain and triumph of transcending the confines of personality and ego. ~ Carole J. Obley, author, Wisdoom From the Spirit World
This is literally a 19-chapter guidebook for life in which Susan Plunket shares how her journey has been guided by spiritual teachers and guides from other dimensions. Susan’s writing is ethereal and vulnerable as she recounts the experiences from early childhood to mature womanhood that shaped her life, allowing us also to benefit from them. At the same time, it’s down-to-earth and practical, a book which I will refer to for years to come. I know I will continue to gain additional layers of understanding and wisdom from Susan’s teachers and guides, and to regularly revisit the exercises at the end of each chapter. Throughout the book, I felt Susan’s desire to enhance the lives of all of us as she encourages us to trust the spiritual path our lives take and to know, beyond a doubt, that we are loved and supported through our highest pinnacles and the deepest valleys. I was particularly moved by how Susan shared her adult insights around her early childhood experiences. As she does this, she reminds us how the cycle of life allows us to spiral back through time to gain a deeper understanding of our younger self. I highly recommend Susan’s book to all seekers open to receiving metaphysical guidance and insight through dreams, symbols, ancient wisdom and paranormal experiences. ~ Jo-Anne Brown, author, intuitive, healer