Multidimensional Evolution
Once you understand your multidimensional nature, you can make every moment count.
Once you understand your multidimensional nature, you can make every moment count.
Once you understand your multidimensional nature, you can make every moment count.
Psychology (general), Spiritual, Spirituality
In Multidimensional Evolution, author Kim McCaul recounts his journey to Java seeking a technique to help calm the demons that had been troubling him for the previous two years and his subsequent realisation that those demons were not the product of his own mind, but were actually real non-physical people who had been pursuing him from a previous life. It then focuses on three of the teachers that guided the author through insights and experiences on his search for understanding: Pak Sujono, who ran a meditation centre in Indonesia; a housewife in England, who enjoyed remarkable psychic abilities and the capacity to significantly alter the energies of those around her, and Waldo Vieira a Brazilian consciousness researcher and psychic.
Multidimensional Evolution encourages readers to experiment for themselves, have their own experiences, come to their own understandings and make the most of this current physical lifetime.
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Book Title: Multidimensional Evolution - Personal Explorations of Consciousness Author: Kim McCaul Though being familiar with the concepts of this book, what I especially like is the author's practical approach and emphasis that this is not a book of absolutes. The autobiographical style appeals to me. Being interspersed with gems of suggestions for meditation, I think it makes informative reading for all, wherever we are on our evolutionary journey. It's a very good book for seekers everywhere covering topics such as kundalini, bi-location, projection, energy bodies, ET's dream states, being psychic, being spiritual, past lives and a lot more. ~ Sandra Davies, Guild of Professional Healers
Kim McCaul's experiential account of life beyond the physical dimension carries a challenge that cannot be ignored, namely, by what mechanism of mind and body can such extraordinary experiences be explained? As an anthropologist, McCaul is well aware of the standard academic explanations for such curious psychic events, but when non-standard experiences erupt frequently in one's own daily life, and are intelligently attested to by others, then perhaps the standard explanations require some adjustment. McCaul 's careful, methodical and questioning approach is therefore to be applauded, for in the face of experiences that often transcended normal categories of experience altogether, he held his nerve. ~ Douglas Lockhart, author of Going Beyond the Jesus Story and The Mar Saba Codex