Pause - A Spiritual Power

Pause - A Spiritual Power

How we find and enter the 'spiritual pause' between our usual rational approach to life and the spiritual world at the very edge of all we can imagine.

Pause - A Spiritual Power

How we find and enter the 'spiritual pause' between our usual rational approach to life and the spiritual world at the very edge of all we can imagine.

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Aug 25, 2023

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Aug 25, 2023

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Rob Wykes
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Prayer & spiritual, Spiritual, Spiritualism


Opportunities to enter a spiritual place are all around us, but we often don’t recognise them. Pause - A Spiritual Power helps the reader identify those moments and enter places of spiritual pause.
The spiritual life, often neglected, exists apart from our thoughts and feelings. Pause… explores how spirituality is separate and how we often mistakenly substitute rational and emotional experiences for spiritual experience.
To be spiritual is not to be religious or bound to a specific understanding of God. To be human is to have a spirit within, regardless of religious commitment or persuasion. Attending to one’s spiritual life, finding pause, is not confined or defined by any one faith tradition.
In Pause..., author Rob Wykes relates accounts of his own journeys - physical and spiritual - that have helped him discover his own spiritual self. Part of his story is a literal pilgrimage on foot and by bike that brought him into a deeper understanding of pause. Attending to one’s spiritual being is as important as physical health and emotional self-care. Learning to find pause in life’s experiences and to enter those spiritual places yields profound meaning and pleasure many have never before known.

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