Music of the Divine Spheres, The

Music of the Divine Spheres, The

Discovery of forgotten ancient knowledge for a better understanding of nature and man.

Music of the Divine Spheres, The

Discovery of forgotten ancient knowledge for a better understanding of nature and man.

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Nov 24, 2023

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Ancient mysteries & controversial knowledge, History & philosophy, Inspiration & personal growth


The Music of the Divine Spheres is a rediscovery of ancient knowledge -- lost to humanity several millennia ago -- about our consciousness, its levels, and the laws of transition between those levels that elevate our mind. A revelation of the amazing laws of nature underlying the structures of space and consciousness, the main secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and the true meaning of the ancient symbols such as the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, the Djed, and the Nine Egyptian Crystal Spheres.

Discover the wonderful Laws of the Spheres and the Universal Law of Harmony of Vibrations while reading about the perception of sounds, colors, and proportions, as well as why their different combinations cause different feelings -- and how to heal using sound and light. Learn how to develop new levels of consciousness and make higher-level decisions in your life. This knowledge can be used to accelerate the evolution of everyone's consciousness and thereby change this world for the better.

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