Music of the Divine Spheres, The
Discovery of forgotten ancient knowledge for a better understanding of nature and man.
Discovery of forgotten ancient knowledge for a better understanding of nature and man.
Discovery of forgotten ancient knowledge for a better understanding of nature and man.
Ancient mysteries & controversial knowledge, History & philosophy, Inspiration & personal growth
The Music of the Divine Spheres is a rediscovery of ancient knowledge -- lost to humanity several millennia ago -- about our consciousness, its levels, and the laws of transition between those levels that elevate our mind. A revelation of the amazing laws of nature underlying the structures of space and consciousness, the main secrets of the Egyptian pyramids, and the true meaning of the ancient symbols such as the Flower of Life, the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, the Djed, and the Nine Egyptian Crystal Spheres.
Discover the wonderful Laws of the Spheres and the Universal Law of Harmony of Vibrations while reading about the perception of sounds, colors, and proportions, as well as why their different combinations cause different feelings -- and how to heal using sound and light. Learn how to develop new levels of consciousness and make higher-level decisions in your life. This knowledge can be used to accelerate the evolution of everyone's consciousness and thereby change this world for the better.
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The book of the famous scientist, popularizer of science, and researcher of sacred knowledge A. Milovanov "The Music of The Divine Spheres" is an interesting popular science work devoted to the problems that once worried the creators of the pyramids, Pythagoras, the Mayan Indians and everyone who is interested in how space is organized, what sacred music is, how cosmic vibrations affect the human body. For the author, both science and secret knowledge possessed by our ancestors are equally open. Why do different spheres of the space affect a person in such a way that this influence is similar to some mysterious music, the music of the spheres, how this knowledge helped to build the pyramids and what is the secret of these pyramids, what is the basis of the squaring the circle and the famous golden ratio and the number "Pi" - this is what lies in the center of attention of this interesting writer. He writes easily and talentedly. The image of the universe that he creates is special. It is a universe of a living, not a dead character, an animate universe that lives by mysterious laws, breathes, creates worlds, and is governed by the universal mind. We live in a world of inanimate matter and do not even think that the space around us is full of mysterious life, of which we are a part. The book "The Music of The Divine Spheres" helps to expand consciousness and awakens a new self-consciousness in a person. As a result, a person begins to realize himself as a cosmic being. The book is easily written, reads with enthusiasm, and develops curiosity. Those formulas that are present there in small quantities do not create any problems for a thinking person. Readers who purchase "The Music of The Divine Spheres" will find a fascinating read. ~ I. Polyakov, the reader of The Music of The Divine Spheres
A Remarkable book by Alexander Milovanov - once you open it, it’s impossible to put it down! An ocean of knowledge, unknown to us, or forgotten? By reading a chapter after chapter you realize the beauty of the Universe, the simplicity and complexity of it’s wisdom and feel the great appreciation to the author of this book for his intelligence and talent. ~ Ekaterina Malakhova - Tovar, M.D., D.C
The profound subject knowledge by author, Alexander Milovanov, regarding vibrational patterns and the effects they have on the human conscious truly explains how a physicist could uncover the mathematical connection between our physical state and spiritual state. This book takes you from discovery to findings to a simple method of reaching optimal vibrational existence. ~ Sylvana Gusich, MPA Researcher, educator
A very deep, scientifically based work that reveals fundamental knowledge about our consciousness and the laws of transition between its levels. On the pages of his book, Alexander Milovanov proves why we perceive some proportions, musical tones, colors as harmonious, while others are disharmonious. The book is of excellent quality: hardcover, printing is clear, with tabs with illustrations on smooth paper. The book will be useful to everyone who is interested in self-development, as well as to those who, in their professional activities, work through the impact of art on the inner world of a person. ~ Helen Kojina, the reader of The Music of The Divine Spheres
This is a provocative book stretching the connection between traditional and existential thought. It is challenging and engaging as is, and in a similiar way as, the work of Carl Jung and the Collective Unconscious. There is much to be 'explained' albeit in different ways and perspectives. This book by Alexander Milovanov does just that - stretch how and why to look at what we traditionally accept as more fact in different perspectives of creative ingenuity. There is much to be offered from the sciences and engineering, traditional consultancy and thought and psychodynamic theory and modeling and new creative adventuring to alternative perspectives. This, for many, may be a fascinating read that provokes creative thinking and pushes the frontiers of science via discussion of conscious relative to unconscious thinking. ~ Thomas Olson, Professor, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
This book is a necessary and fascinating extension into areas of science and spirituality critical to our times. As truth is often hidden in plain sight, so too does it sometimes necessitate a fresh perspective from one who has approached his subject from outside the box of conventional orthodoxy and thus reveal it to seekers of spiritual truth. Drawing upon clues and information brought forth from ancient knowledge and his own research, Milovanov ties together science and spirituality in a way that underscores and illustrates the divine truth that all things are intimately interconnected: music, dimensions, the ancient pyramids, feelings, sacred geometry, emotions, light, color and sound all are revealed to be eternal aspects of Nature’s Way of Life, and such can become beacons for an awakening humanity ready to graduate to the next level of human evolution. The Music of the Divine Spheres is a further exploration and survey of hidden knowledge and wisdom that is required reading for students and adepts to incorporate into their understanding of consciousness and internal transformation. ~ Phil Laing, authorized teacher of Drunvalo Melchizedek’s Awakening the Illuminated Heart workshop
In the Infinite, there is no time, no place, no divisions, no sense of “us” and “them”. Infinite consciousness is the only truth. The heart only knows Unity and Oneness and is thus able to take us beyond the illusory walls of limited perception. The right brain is our connection to the All That Is; it is holistic, intuitive, experiential, and knows only momentary time, the eternal now. It is able to intuit the Oneness, like a four- or five-year-old, looking up at the night sky. The left brain sees dots and does not connect them. It is logical, and is locked into linear time, so it is never in the present moment. We need both however, and we need them harmoniously working together. The mind looks out at the reality and sees separation; it does not therefore believe in Oneness. It must be shown Unity in a series of logical steps and Alexander Milovanov has done a masterful job of showing us the Unity of all life through the universal language of sacred geometry. When the mind (left brain) truly sees Unity, the corpus callosom (neural fibers connecting the two hemispheres) opens up, communication happens, integration takes place, a relaxation occurs and we become whole again. Because mind is now serving consciousness instead of serving itself, we can replace beliefs with intuitive knowing and learn to follow Spirit. The doorway to the heart has thus been opened. The Music of the Divine Spheres makes a significant contribution to the great awakening that is currently unfolding on a global scale. ~ Bob Frissell, author of The 25th Anniversary edition of Nothing In This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are