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Everything Makes Sense

Everything Makes Sense

A search for, and discovery, of the purpose and structure of life.

Everything Makes Sense

A search for, and discovery, of the purpose and structure of life.

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Jun 28, 2024

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Jun 28, 2024

Tim Garvin
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Inspiration & personal growth, Personal growth (general), Philosophy


Science and religion study the same phenomenon - the cosmos itself - but an impenetrable barrier seems to separate them. Author Tim Garvin removes that barrier and offers a resonant handshake. Instead of sitting across from each other in opposition, scientists and seekers can sit at a table made round by wonder. As Everything Makes Sense dives into the nature of knowing and existence, it reveals a mutuality in humankind unimagined by theology or biology, a mutuality in the nature of being itself. From there, Everything Makes Sense develops an explanation of existence by employing the thought and insight of the inner world’s two most penetrating cartographers, Aurobindo Ghose and Meher Baba, whose work and a close-notice of life itself reveal the deep purpose of creation.

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