Enter the Journey

Enter the Journey

Through her enchanting storytelling, Rosanna awakens your wild imagination on a magical adventure through the portals of your soul.

Enter the Journey

Through her enchanting storytelling, Rosanna awakens your wild imagination on a magical adventure through the portals of your soul.

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Aug 25, 2023

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Aug 25, 2023

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Rosanna Ienco
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Inspiration & personal growth, Mysticism, Shamanism


An engaging narrative, poetic in style, Enter the Journey: A Mystical Guide for Rebirth and Renewal opens the imagination and takes you on an extraordinary adventure from the wintry Arctic landscape to the portals and vortexes of Sedona, Arizona's red rocks. Assisted by power animals and spirit guides, Enter the Journey will return you to your true essence and compel you to embrace your destiny in a new equilibrium. Author Rosanna Ienco demonstrates the profound soul connection and hidden wisdom mysteriously waiting in the caves deep within your interior landscape. Through creative visualisation and wild imagination, you will accompany Rosanna along her metaphysical voyage deep inside a mysterious cavern in the Australian Outback, where she reunites with an ancient teacher who shares hidden knowledge. Enter the Journey is an enchanting mixture of shamanic journeys and authentic storytelling, an otherworldly odyssey in which Rosanna shares her own tales of transformation - revealing a sacred, unbroken bond of love and trust as she transports you through the aurora borealis, among the stars, opening your imagination, guiding you through the magical gateway to your soul. Enter the Journey opens a path through Earth's wisdom to rebirth and renewal.

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