All Is One
The book offers a conclusive definition of consciousness that might satisfy both the scientifically oriented and spiritually oriented reader.
The book offers a conclusive definition of consciousness that might satisfy both the scientifically oriented and spiritually oriented reader.
The book offers a conclusive definition of consciousness that might satisfy both the scientifically oriented and spiritually oriented reader.
Cognitive science, Religion & science, Spiritual
Despite centuries of analyses and debates between scientists and philosophers, consciousness remains puzzling and controversial. It is the most familiar yet mysterious aspect of our lives. There might be different levels of consciousness, or different kinds of consciousness, or just one kind with different features. Modern research into the human brain is yet to provide conclusive answers, and we don’t know if animals, insects or plants are conscious, or even the universe itself.
The contrasting range of research suggests that a new approach might be needed -- one that includes both an objective scientific view and a subjective philosophical and spiritual view -- in order to unlock the mystery. All Is One investigates how consciousness fits into a larger picture of the universe by exploring what science, philosophy, religion, and spirituality have to say on the matter, and offers a conclusive definition of consciousness that might satisfy both the scientifically oriented and spiritually oriented reader.
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An informative investigation of how consciousness fits into a larger picture of the universe considering science, philosophy, spirituality, psychedelics and drugs through the lens of the title and incorporating the author’s own journey. He ultimately argues that consciousness has always existed as the immanent divine ground and did not emerge through evolution. ~ David Lorimer, Paradigm Explorer
When the father of modern science, Galileo Galilei, sought to equate the known universe to mathematics, he made a mistake. He sought to explain the essence of things like the colour of objects or the taste of food but found them unable to be defined by an equation. Thus, his answers turned more philosophical. The red of an apple doesn’t exist within the fruit but within the consciousness of the person perceiving the apple. This is the dilemma that Ren Koi seeks to clarify in his latest book ALL IS One. There is a natural dichotomy between the fundamentals of the philosophical and spiritual when put up against the rationality of science. Ren takes a deep dive into each, seeking to fuse the three into a palatable understanding—a melding of thought and reason. Under the umbrella of Ren’s newly defined consciousness, he explores the existence of God and what he terms cosmic harmony. Finally, he defines consciousness as non-existent and acknowledges that the world is ever-changing and that he is no longer dozing on the sidelines of life, but is awake and ready to proceed. I came away with the feeling that Ren is a deeply spiritual man. His journey to self-recovery has only begun and with each successive book, he discovers a little more of himself. The book talks about how the road to recovery from anything is also a road to finding yourself. ~ BuNEKE Magazine, Review
I’ve often remarked that everything would change in one’s attitude to living and existence if consciousness was accepted as primary, causal and fundamental, indeed, as the ground of being, as the true take on reality. The implications would be profound: for how we think about life, death and meaning, about love, beauty, happiness and world peace. Science, technology, medicine, education, politics, the very meaning of what it means to be human: all would have to be rethought. So I’m glad to have discovered this new book - by a writer who appears to be living proof of just such a change of attitude brought about by the recognition of a universal consciousness out of which all arises, including our personal consciousness...... ~ Geoff Ward,
All Is One: The Science & Spirituality of Consciousness from Ren Koi investigates how consciousness fits into a larger picture of the universe by exploring what science, philosophy, religion, and spirituality have to say on the matter, and offers a conclusive definition of consciousness that might satisfy both the scientifically oriented and spiritually oriented reader. FULL REVIEW: ~ Exclusive Magazine, Review
I have had the pleasure of interviewing Ren on my Funky Brain Podcast and I have also been on his podcast, Life in Recovery. We have become great friends even though we live 5000 miles apart. That is because we share a common purpose, which is to help other people struggling from alcoholism and addiction, but ultimately to achieve “Emotional Sobriety." Ren has humbly dedicated his life to this and he is a fine example of somebody who embodies altruistic principles. That being said, his 5th book, All Is One, is the perfect tool for anybody looking to enhance their spirituality, or for someone who isn’t quite sure what’s out there, but is a seeker and looking for answers. I must admit, when I started reading it I thought it was a little deep for me, but the way he ties addiction in with science and spirituality is brilliantly enlightening and encouraging. My favorite concept that he draws upon is how, throughout history, humans have created hundreds of different religions and sects which have influenced billions of people (for better or for worse)... but ultimately, in the end, the truth is that there is only one underlying reality, which leads to the title of this masterpiece: All Is One. This book is full of carefully researched facts and theories about addiction, psychedelics, recovery principles, and of course, meditation, God and spirituality that will satisfy even the greatest critics, but is also grounded in Ren’s worldly experience as a traveller, athlete, DJ, and most recently, a family man. So, anybody can relate to his story and apply the principles he is sharing into their lives with ease. This is a great read. Highly recommended. Five Stars. ~ Life Coach and Host of the Funky Brain Podcast, Dennis Berry,
Ren allows us to see the complexity of consciousness as a single thread connecting spirituality, philosophy, religion and science, via a personal and honestly written perspective. There is something in this book that we can all learn from, which I imagine may vary for all of us. All Is One shines a light on everyday consciousness where you’re not just accepting it but questioning it. If you can find yourself overwhelmed by the state of the world, lose yourself in these pages and you might just discover a connection within all of it laid bare before your eyes. Each chapter invites you to explore a new realm of consciousness for yourself. Whatever your beliefs, it’s easy to appreciate the patterns of connectedness observed and shared here by Ren. Insightful and thought provoking - I highly recommend the read! ~ Jyoti Devi (Poet), Email
All I can say about 'All Is One' is WOW, what a great book. As a person who has been in the world of recovery for 30+ years, it goes straight to the heart of the “missing piece” for most alcoholics and addicts. It is a spiritual malady and as humans we scream out to fill that spiritual part of us which in these modern times can be difficult to achieve. Some people may think spirituality and science are at odds with one another - who says SO?!?!?! They are both important and both are needed to make the most of this human experience. Thank you Ren for pulling this together in such an eloquent and meaningful way. ~ Dr Robb Kelly (The Addiction Doctor), Email
I love the messages in Ren Koi’s new book, and the meaning that stood out for me personally was, it’s time to wake up. So many of us, including myself at times, are living life fast asleep. Daydreaming. Contemplating the time that we will get sober, find happiness, find inner peace, and find contentment. Yet, we wake up again, get on the hamster wheel of life looking forward to the weekend. So sad. So true. So sad. Did I also say it’s so true? Combining scientific facts, personal experiences, and a willingness to try someone else’s way… Yes a full surrender, are also powerful messages from this book. And if you are lucky enough to be ‘awake’ by the time you get to the weekend, you might do something like skydiving… Or forgive someone who has hurt you… Or, as Ren writes in his book, we might take some time to look into our child or our pet’s eyes and see the reality of life: they are fully living where we so desire to be, they are fully present in this moment. Grab the book. Now. But read it, very, very slowly. Mindfully. It’s time to change your life. ~ David Essel, M. S., O.M., Counselor, and author of the number one best-selling book: Focus! Slay your goals
The journey to enlightenment is really the only quest that matters in life, but most people are asleep. As children, we are raised to survive in the world but these teachings often carry within them the seeds of dysfunction. Self centeredness, self sufficiency and self righteousness are at the root of our problems. We fall into the trance of seeking for what we think we want, and lose the greater truth. That we are all one. Through the deconstruction and analysis of a variety of academic studies, philosophers and thought leaders, Ren offers conclusions that will help you connect the dots on some very complex ideas. These ideas make the case that as we understand consciousness, we can understand our place in the world and how we affect one another. The world is full of suffering and delusionment, however there is hope and meaning through understanding. There are many ways to discover deeper meaning as suggested throughout this book, from ancient traditions to the use of alternative means. Ren’s personal experiences and wisdom offer insights to what is possible for all of us who are seeking to unravel the conditioning of our past experience so that we might come to a new understanding and a new experience of possibility and awareness. At the core of All Is One is courage. The kind of courage required to challenge our own self made prisons of thoughts and beliefs. Courage to bring our bias, assumptions and limited thinking to the light where all things are possible. We all have periods in our lives where we self sabotage and get stuck, but having the courage to live with an open mind is the path to ascending to the higher levels of consciousness available to all of us. In this thoughtful book about consciousness, you will go on a journey to ask the bigger questions, the deeper questions, that we all need to consider as we walk towards finding meaning in our lives. Through the exploration of what scientists and philosophers have written about to finally come to your own conclusions, this book will expand your mind, and your consciousness. ~ Host of the ODAAT Chat Podcast, Arlina Allen, Email