Journey, The
Exploring the spiritual truth at the heart of the world's religions.
Exploring the spiritual truth at the heart of the world's religions.
Exploring the spiritual truth at the heart of the world's religions.
Mysticism, Religion (general), Spirituality
This small volume contains a powerful message for these times of global capitalism, environmental destruction, and religious intolerance. In his first title, this controversial author focuses on achieving spirituality without the dogma and control of organised religion, using apt sources from across the globe to reinforce his points.
The core teachings of Jesus, Muhammad, Moses, Buddha, Lao Tzu or any of those who were enlightened are exactly the same - they are about the nature of man, the nature of the universe and the nature of God.
This book brings together the author’s view of life combined with eclectic teachings from thoroughout the world, in an attempt to bridge the religious divide.
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This is a physically small book with an enormous and timely message. Luke Eastwood draws together the strands of holy writings and sayings through the ages to show that they all give us the same message, we have been - and still are - destroying not only the earth that we depend on, but our inner, spiritual selves. By discussing and sharing relevant quotes he draws us into the truth that all teachings are speaking with the same voice, and they are all saying that we should be living our lives differently to the way that most of us do. We all have our own path to tread, and there is no "one" religious way for us all, but we should strive to tread lightly on the earth, forgo consumerism and live simply without greed and by giving, not taking. We should not be fighting each other over which is the right religion,, but sharing and living by the fundamental truths and wisdom that they all contain. In the second half of the book he explores the universal questions about The Divine and our relationship with our Creator (however we envisage him/her) and he explores the answers and what they are teaching us. I recommend this book highly and hope (indeed wish) that the message he shows will grow louder and be taken on board by us all. ~ Pagan Stillroom,
This little book is full of insights. It sort of reminds me of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. Worth the price and a very good gift. ~ Frank Kruger, Ireland,
This book is quite uplifting as it shows that people have more in common in their beliefs than we think. It's empowering in that it shows that you don't need a priest to find god. I liked the way that each page stands on its own so that you can dip into it ratther than having to read it straight through. ~ Pat K,
It only took me 15 minutes to read it but this little book was extremely enlightening and opened my eyes to a different view of the world and religion. I think everyone should read this book as it really does put human life into a wider perspective of why we're here and how we've made things wrong with the world. ~ Robert McGarry, Ireland,
Like Kahlil Gibran's 'The Prophet', it contains a powerful message in a very small number of pages. ~ Holistic Health
The Journey combines the author's thoughts with eclectic teachings from throughout the world... thought-provoking. ~ The Evening Herald
This small book is one of those unusual publications that you can read in half an hour but leaves quite an impression... It reads like a gentle conversation and I very much enjoyed it - picking up some insights along the way. I felt that the message was quite relevant for today: that there are many paths to truth ~ Immrama Magazine
A handy small reference and reminder of the essential unity of every spiritual path, but also a working notebook and starting point for the owner to add to the collection with their own favourites, and the format lends itself to this use. ~ Touchstone Magazine
An interesting and accessible read... it has a positive message. ~ Books Ireland
This little book certainly gives much food for thought on our attitudes to life and it also gives an insight into religious beliefs which have more in common with Christianity than one might think; it seems particularly pertinent for the times in which we live. ~ Big Issue (Irish Edition)