Polytheistic Monasticism
Essays by authors on the leading edge of a new evolution of the polytheistic-animist revival
Essays by authors on the leading edge of a new evolution of the polytheistic-animist revival
Essays by authors on the leading edge of a new evolution of the polytheistic-animist revival
Monasticism, Paganism & neo-paganism, Spirituality
Polytheistic Monasticism: Voices From Pagan Cloisters is an anthology of writings from the forefront of the first wave of experimental monastic spirituality in the modern polytheist-animist revival. In this groundbreaking anthology, contemplative practitioners tell their stories of exploring classic monastic disciplines such as eremitic life, asceticism, retreat, service, and simplicity.
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The essays which comprise Polytheistic Monasticism are heart-felt, lyrical, and insightful. While the contributors to this anthology have each found their own way to monasticism, and are developing their own practices, their commitment to their calling is soul deep. As monastics, they strive for divine union; through prayer and work, they seek to become a meeting place between the spirit world and human world, to cultivate both inner and outer sacred space. Their creativity, devotion, discipline, and dedication are an inspiration to polytheists everywhere. ~ Rebecca Buchanan, editor of Eternal Haunted Summer
This is one of those books that fills a deep need in the Pagan and Polytheist communities, one that many may not even have fully realized was there. By offering tools and ideas for creating a focused path of contemplation and devotion, the many and varied writers are providing the sort of advanced material that is very often called for but seldom fully delivered. And while there are frequent nods to the ubiquity of monotheism in modern discussions of monasticism, Polytheistic Monasticism avoids being just another monotheistic text wrapped in polytheistic clothing, instead giving ways to create something that serves our communities' unique needs. ~ Lupa, author of Nature Spirituality From the Ground Up and The Tarot of Bones
Polytheistic Monasticism is a warm, full-souled exploration of modern Western polytheist monasticism that invites the reader into each cloister with a warm fire and nourishing food. It offers an expanded understanding of what is possible for modern Pagans and polytheists. ~ Sarenth Odinsson, Heathen spiritworker, author of Calling to Our Ancestors
Polytheistic Monasticism is a rich and multifaceted introduction to a growing movement with the pagan community. Of particular interest to the druid community are useful accounts of how individual druids have maintained intentional monastic practices and devotionals towards in spite of the demands of modern life. Through personal accounts, philosophies, and practices, this work offers much insight for readers with an interest in building their own monastic practice. Polytheistic Monasticism gives voice to a powerful way of living, being, and communing with the spirits of nature and the divine. ~ Dana O’Driscoll, Grand Archdruid, AODA & Bishop, Gnostic Celtic Church
This book deepens our understanding of the Western polytheistic revival, bringing to light devotional and ethical aspects neglected in popular accounts of the movement, but which represent increasingly important dynamics within it. An essential contribution for researchers following developments in this field. ~ Edward P. Butler, PhD, Director, Center for Global Polytheist and Indigenous Traditions, Indic Academy
This is an inspiring and interesting read! If you are drawn to the solitary life, then this is a must. However, even if the monastic life is not for you, this is still well worth a read, full of a wisdom that can be applied to every life journey. ~ Philip Carr-Gomm, author of Druid Mysteries, and Seek Teachings Everywhere
This defining and much needed book fills a void in the polytheist community by giving voice to the small number of monastics who tend the sacred heart of devotion to the gods and spirits, and live disciplined lives of prayer, contemplation, study, and work in accordance with monastic principles. To those called to polytheist monasticism, those who are curious, and those who never knew it existed or was possible, it provides a sound introduction, with well-written illustrations of personal paths. ~ Lorna Smithers, awenydd, Brythonic Polytheist, author at Gods & Radicals Press