Journey Into Oneness
A place of silent peace awaits you. Allow these poems into your heart.
A place of silent peace awaits you. Allow these poems into your heart.
A place of silent peace awaits you. Allow these poems into your heart.
Goddess worship, Inspirational & religious
Journey Into Oneness takes you on an inner sojourn, directly to the garden of your heart. Here, you discover both the rich connection you have to your own Divinity and to the One who holds you deeply in a space of constant grace.
These poems ease you into a place of peace and to a still point you have been seeking, maybe all of your life.
First, you discover The I, the one you truly are at the core of your being. Next on your evolutionary path to Awakening, you begin to delineate between a personal or egoic view of self, to a more advanced state of The Not I. It is here that you begin to touch moments of connection to the One and to a bliss like none you have ever known.
Finally, serene in the knowledge of self/no self that you have gained and the taste of the sweet nectar from a cup divine, you arrive at the moment of knowing the One. For you, there is no turning back.
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5 out of 5 stars August 28, 2012 By Aaardvaaark Books Format:Paperback "Paul Goldman's poetry transports you, heart and soul, into a world of blessed silence and peace. Paul Goldman obviously has a clear and magnificent understanding of the power of words and the thoughts they express. Through the divinely inspired and embued words of his poetry in "Journey into Oneness" Goldman transports you, heart and soul, into a world of blessed silence and peace. As you read his poems, you find yourself traveling through a doorway leading directly to your soul, and on a healing journey of self discovery -- a journey which takes you deep into the very core of your being, shining light which illuminates the deepest truths of who you really are. This is a book to be treasured and gifted. A book where each reading brings ever deeper understanding and even deeper peace." Jacqueline ~ Aaardvaaark Books,
Journey Into Oneness by Paul Goldman O Books I read so many glowing comments about Paul Goldman's Journey Into Oneness, I requested a copy to review for the Mind Body Spirit Odyssey - and I was not disappointed. Journey Into Oneness is book of beautiful poetry that takes the reader on a journey of passage. Finding out who you are, being grateful for all you are, awakening to love, and experiencing the clarity of connecting to the Universal Oneness and divinity that binds us all together. The world is full of problems. Everyday we read or see on television the immense pain and suffering around us. To counterbalance, we need to bring as many positive things into our lives as we can. You should consider adding this beautiful book of poetry as one of those positive things to your life and bookshelf. A very uplifting and beautiful read! From Paul Goldman's Journey Into Oneness: This Big Heart wide open, I soar past moons, suns, stars, even galaxies to once again find you, right in the midst of where you have always been. ~ Diane Ferguson,
His work is amazing, It let's you enjoy the journey into finding out your questions as to "WHY". Allowing you to do some self discovery along the way. With the beauty of words to flow over your soul. Taking your mind to a place where it may never have went otherwise. A birth perhaps, an awaking to self and oneness. To feel to know to grow. Take a chance, read something out of your normal for a change, go on a journey, with your self. You may just find out something really wonderful and amazing about who you are. ~ Jo, Amazon
In his book, Journey Into Oneness, Paul shares ecstatic poems that sing the song of the soul and assist us to awaken and remember that we are One. Thank you Paul for this beautiful gift. ~ Karen, Amazon
Paul Goldman invites us to open our hearts and minds with this lovely offering. It is impossible to verbalize an experience in Oneness, but Paul's words encourage us to move beyond the "everyday" mind and live life in Love. ~ E Teters, Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars A playful journey into the divine, March 30, 2012 By Tasha Jenny Dolhanyk - See all my reviews This review is from: Journey Into Oneness (Paperback) The poetry of Paul Goldman quietly beckons the reader to shift their attention from the ordinary way we look at things to that of the extraordinary, revealing to us our deep interconnection with the divine source, the oneness, of all things. Again and again he turns our focus upon this deeper reality, this constant presence, evoking images of sublime love and beauty, using a language that is at once simple and elegant, yet infused with a heartfelt passion, a playful enthusiasm and joy which is simply delightful. His work continually reminds me of that of Rumi as he gently urges us to shed all those meaningless distractions which create a fall sense of self, to re-immerse ourselves in that divine source, perfect love, which is what we truly are and to which we ultimately are destined to return. Highly recommended! ~ Tasha Jenny Dolhanyk,
By Paul Goldman
In these 131 pages of ecstatic poetry, blessed, deep, thought provoking and oh so wonderful, I felt Heaven over and over again. As my eyes were drawn to the different pages I could feel the spiritual power just surging through me. This whole book spoke to me with words of encouragement. I really believe this is poetry for the Aquarian age because the messages reached my soul in a very unique way. I would recommend this great labor of love to Indigo Souls everywhere. This little darlin has easily made it into my spiritual toolbox. Thanks Paul for opening my eyes, my heart and my soul all at the same time. Love & Light, Riki Frahmann |
~ Riki Frahmann, Mystic Living Today
Take the time to enter into oneness when you open the pages of Goldman’s latest divinely guided prose.
Step into the space that is self and steep your psyche into the healing, cleansing and comforting experience which will wash over you almost immediately upon reading the first line in the first offering.
This is more than just a book of poetry about life. It is a creation of words linked in shape and form which take you into the essence of self, leading and encouraging on the way.
Answering those unasked questions, giving comfort and clarity to the asker, this is a very special journey which should be enjoyed over and over again.
Each work leads effortlessly onto the next work and before you realise it you are up to the final piece. A moment in time, or time in a moment: That is for you to decide
~ Janet Mawdesley, Blue Wolf ReviewsVia the shimmering, translucent language of the soul, Journey into Oneness, guides readers back to the bliss of their authentic selves. These poems meditate, expand, and crackle with possibility, showing us that, ultimately, reader, poet and page are one. This is not just a book. It is a metaphysical experience.
~ Melissa Studdard, MFA, Contributing Editor, Tiferet and author of Six Weeks to YehidaOur word is all we have. If words can connect us, these words do.
~ Terces Englehart, Owner Cafe Gratitude and co-author of Abounding River, Sacred Commerce and Kindred Spirits