Religion Versus Science
This book unifies the scientific facts of evolution with the belief that life is infused by a transcendental consciousness.
This book unifies the scientific facts of evolution with the belief that life is infused by a transcendental consciousness.
This book unifies the scientific facts of evolution with the belief that life is infused by a transcendental consciousness.
Free will & determinism, Religion & science
As commonly presented the great battle between science and religion over evolution is intractable. This book maintains that the approaches both sides take in the debate drive most of the fury in the debate. Although the facts of evolution are beyond doubt, the big mistake that many scientists make is to present these facts using a materialistic premise that is not scientifically defendable. The resulting model for evolution implies that humans arose on this planet merely by chance, that the value of our lives is based only upon the genes that we carry within us, and that our lives are essentially meaningless. Naturally religious people recoil in horror as such a bleak view of human existence. In this book Dr. Frost argues that all the World's Religions advocate for the existence of a transcendent consciousness. Scientific studies can in no way prove or disprove the existence of this consciousness. By accepting as a premise that this consciousness exists, Dr. Frost develops a theory of evolution that is consistent with both the scientific facts and with the mystical teachings inherent to all religions.
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A fresh perspective on one of the deepest questions of all time - Evolution. Reiligion versus Science explores where both sides go wrong in the great evolution debate.
~ , Not born YesterdayWhile affirming my existing views, it broadened my perspectives. The overview and critical discussion of the visions of Teilhard de Chardin added richness and depth to my understandings.
~ Fred UtterThe core of Dr Frost's commendable book lies in his advocacy of Teilhardism, a 'third way' interpretation of evolution - entirely in opposition to reductionism ........ Should Teilhardism become the major paradigm for evolution, a large part of the impetus that drives some Christians to question the validity of evolution would vanish. In this book, we have a praiseworthy and workable agenda from an enlightened spiritual scientist for a means of bridging the chasm between the opposing camps.
The third part makes the book distinctive, discussing the metaphysical implications and the nature of consciousness in near death experiences and the anomaly of the 16th Karmapa's death in 1981 when the area around his heart remained warm for three days following, after which normal rigor mortis set in.
~ Network ReviewRon Frost's phenomenally well-researched and well-written book on - well, religion versus science - is so well presented that I felt like I was watching a video on the subject as I was reading.
This is a book that individuals from both sides of the debate between religion and science will benefit from and hopefully it can provide significant common ground on which to continue the discussion.
~ J R Vacca, Barnes & NobleFrost's remarkably wide-ranging volume offers the reader a helpful survey of the troubled road that led to the current controversy over scientific theories of origins. More than just another book on creation versus evolution, Science vs. Spirituality locates the controversy in the inability of science to deal effectively with the realm of consciousness and mind, where our deepest needs and most profound experiences reside. Writing from an eastern, Buddhist perspective, Frost offers a fresh perspective on one of the deepest questions of our time. ~ Karl Giberson, Ph.D., Author of Saving Darwin: How to be a Christian and Believe in Evolution and Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists Versus God and Religion with Mariano Artigas