

Are free will and mind chimeras? This book, anti-materialistic but respecting science, answers, No! Mind is foundational to all existence.


Are free will and mind chimeras? This book, anti-materialistic but respecting science, answers, No! Mind is foundational to all existence.

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Aug 26, 2011

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Peter Ells
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Body, mind & spirit (general), Free will & determinism, Philosophy (general)


Materialism asserts that the universe and everything within it, including ourselves, is a deterministic machine, trapped until the end of time on the rigid tracks of inviolable laws. Only the mechanisms of physics forces, electrical charges, and so on are consequential; nothing else matters. Experiences, such as the taste of honey, feelings, thoughts, choices: everything concerning the mind is an illusion, or is at best a useless and absurd epiphenomenon. This accessible and engagingly-written book is a serious philosophical work, giving solid reasons for rejecting materialism, and proposing an alternative metaphysical framework that is fully consistent with science. In the sensuous cosmos, our essence is that we experience the world in all its exquisite, sensual beauty and unbearable suffering. We actively participate as rational agents with authentic freedom. The future of our planet is not fully determined. Collectively we have it in our power to make it heaven (or hell), as we wish. We are a community of spiritual beings, living alongside other beings, animate and inanimate. Everything that exists is fully spiritual. We may perceive each other as physical bodies but, at our most intimate, we know that we are such stuff as dreams are made on.

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