

NaturesScope offers a new way of relating to our natural evolutionary origins and one another that inspires empathy and co-creativity.


NaturesScope offers a new way of relating to our natural evolutionary origins and one another that inspires empathy and co-creativity.

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Jan 27, 2012

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Feb 28, 2012

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Alan Rayner
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Inspiration & personal growth, Philosophy (general)



For thousands of years we have tried to study, interpret and teach ourselves about Nature from our own point of view, through the lenses of our telescopes, microscopes and binocular eyesight directed outwards. We see a rigidly framed objective picture 'out there' that does not include ourselves yet upon which we project our own image and psychology. This one-way view has brought us into profound conflict with our natural origins and one another.

NaturesScope evokes a different view, from Nature, which brings human beings and the world into empathic mutual relationship. It assists us in enquiring imaginatively and creatively into how to turn the narrowed down objective worldview around and see ourselves and our world through natures fluid lens of mutual inclusion. People who have experienced this view of natural inclusion have found it a source of profound inspiration.

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