Wooing the Echo

Wooing the Echo

Chasing a ghost and echoes of magic, Christopher discovers the darkness that looms behind desire.

Wooing the Echo

Chasing a ghost and echoes of magic, Christopher discovers the darkness that looms behind desire.

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Aug 30, 2013

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Aug 30, 2013

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Lee Morgan
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Occult & supernatural, Paganism & neo-paganism, Spirituality


Chasing a ghost and echoes of magic, Christopher discovers the darkness that looms behind desire. Christopher is haunted and hollow with the loss of a friend unlike any other. When a stranger arrives with the secrets of 'Old Craft' sorcery and communion with the dead, Christopher’s fate will be altered forever. On that crooked path the façade of normal life falls away to reveal a world of wonder, but also danger. As the ghosts of the dead stir, what secrets will rise to the surface with them, and will Christopher survive the horror that is love's other face? ‘Wooing the Echo’ is the first in an edgy new series that follows the life of Christopher Penrose. It is a journey into a world of the occult, seething with real, adult and believable magic.

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