Seeing the Good in Unfamiliar Spiritualities

Seeing the Good in Unfamiliar Spiritualities

It's about engaging with the spiritually unfamiliar without feeling threatened by it.

Seeing the Good in Unfamiliar Spiritualities

It's about engaging with the spiritually unfamiliar without feeling threatened by it.

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Oct 28, 2011

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Gethin Abraham-Williams
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Old testament, Religion, Spirituality


Today's believers are more likely to be switched on by a hotchpotch of the weird and the paranormal than they are by anything the church might be doing or saying. Since this is now the prevailing culture, certainly in the West, where does that leave the traditional churches? Should they see themselves alongside a range of competing spiritualities or in conflict with them? Is partnership betrayal?

I wrote this book, because I was convinced it’s as important for those who lead churches as well as for those on the edge, or outside church altogether, to realise that what is happening is not the large scale religious disaster it’s sometimes made out to be.

Rather it’s a sign of something quite profound taking place across the world and affecting Christianity in particular, but also, to a different degree, Judaism and Islam. We are living through a period of seismic change on a scale unseen since the Axial period when concepts of God, from India to Greece, from China to the Fertile Crescent, were undergoing huge and radical changes.

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