A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians

A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians

A book to help you live in the now -- the present -- the presence of God.

A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians

A book to help you live in the now -- the present -- the presence of God.

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Jun 30, 2023

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Jun 30, 2023

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David Harper
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Christian rituals & practice (general), Mindfulness & meditation, Spiritual growth


An A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians is geared to help Christians live in the now, the present -- the presence of God -- by encouraging them to explore mindfulness. Studies show that mindfulness benefits not only people with depression, anxiety and pain; it also benefits those who do not live with such conditions but who would like nonetheless to have greater well-being in their lives. Drawing from personal experience and the experience of others, David Harper shows how mindfulness can make a positive impact on well-being and therefore on faith and spirituality, while countering some of the myths about mindfulness. Divided into 52 themes and spanning the alphabet, An A to Z of Mindfulness for Christians explores aspects of mindfulness and how they relate to being a Christian. Each letter represents two relevant themes, from Awake and Attitude to Body and Breath to Zest and Zacchaeus, and each theme is informative, encouraging and overlaps with spirituality, faith and mindfulness.

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