Soulistry- Artistry of the Soul

Soulistry- Artistry of the Soul

Re-connect with the intangible soul-essence of life through over 80 inspirational quotations and accompanying Soul-Questions.

Soulistry- Artistry of the Soul

Re-connect with the intangible soul-essence of life through over 80 inspirational quotations and accompanying Soul-Questions.

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Apr 29, 2011

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June Maffin
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Inspiration & personal growth, Spiritual, Spiritual growth


Soulistry - Artistry of the Soul: Creative Ways to Nurture Your Spirituality encourages readers to re-connect with the intangible soul-essence of life and experience rich spiritual growth. In todays culture, people are becoming aware of the importance of balance in their lives: physically, intellectually and spiritually. Through a series of over 80 inspirational quotations (from ordinary and extraordinary human beings around the world living in different centuries) along with accompanying Soul-Questions, this unique book encourages readers to embrace life in new ways. 

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