Living on the Inner Edge
A mystical story: breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge.
A mystical story: breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge.
A mystical story: breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge.
Ancient mysteries & controversial knowledge, New thought, Theosophy
A mystical story, breaking traditional boundaries, new thought, practices, insights, and a way of knowledge.
Everyone walks their own path but in the New Age of Spirituality the idea of Group Work was born from the works of the Tibetan Master D.K., where he introduced the idea of group work on the physical plane and in the higher spheres of the Soul, and the Gurdjieff/Ouspensky Work which was accomplished through intense group meetings and personal interaction. Living on the Inner Edge is a foray into the world of experimental Group Work which lasted for over 30 years, constantly evolving and synthesizing the essence of different Esoteric Traditions into a new body of discipline that achieved extraordinary results.
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This is a memoir written in the first person. The author discusses his travels and religious experiences. It shows his growth and journey along his path and takes place over many years. He also gives examples of situations other group members go through along with the Masters. The esoteric material is deep and thought provoking. There were several statements that resonated with me: “When you start to search for the Path, it means that the Essential Nature is stirring or awakening. It also indicates that the Soul, on its own plane, is trying to extend an invisible hand to guide the personality.” (Kindle location 205).... ~ Dawn Thomas (Reviewer), NetGalley
... a fascinating, persuasive and inspiring account how a collection of spiritual seekers have tried to lift themselves up by one another's bootstraps. ~ Richard Smoley, Editor, Quest: Journal of the Theosophical Society in America
A thought provoking read on living outside the confines of modern life and normal thinking. It is a interesting viewpoint of someone who grew up middle class yet eschewed all confines of normal life. A interesting read for those that enjoy books of living outside modern society and considering differing viewpoints of life, religion, and religious confines ~ Cozy Cat reviews, NetGalley
No doubt this book will be of great interest to those who do consider themselves as followers of Blavatsky, Bailey and Gurdjieff. ~ Lynda Stevens, NetGalley
This is written for those who dare to go beyond the confines of this life. What you’ll find in this book that you won’t find in other esoteric books. ~ Melanie Laing, NetGalley
Cyrus Ryan, after years of meditation, study, searching and experimenting under the direction of his spiritual teacher and the influence of the Masters, has, in this book, unveiled the way of the Group of World Servers. The means of spiritual advancement through group at-one-ment has been clarified for the uninitiated. A veil of obscurity has been removed and the usefulness of the process clarified. ~ Robin Armstrong, President RASA School of Astrology
For all genuine seekers interested in applying esoteric truths to daily life, Cyrus Ryan's first book is a "must read". Living on the Inner Edge - A Practical Esoteric Tale is the captivating account of his spiritual journey beginning with a first awakening and leading to a thirty year group experience with a bona fide spiritual teacher from Indonesia simply known as RN. The author is frank and honest in his narration of the group challenges and the behavior of certain individuals, including himself, and how they affect the group dynamics as well as the teacher. Readers will not fail to be fascinated by some of the author's surprising adventures, particularly those related to meditation, in India and Tibet. The narration interweaves adeptly between personal experiences, and a very clear exposition of the esoteric teachings as presented by their mentor. These include Theosophy, Vedanta and Atma Vidya traditions, the Alice A. Bailey/Djwhal Khul material, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, and the comparatively new Fourth Way teachings of Gurjieff and Ouspensky. A particularly helpful part of the book are those chapters which present topics rarely tackled in other spiritual literature, such as the question of love, sex and spirituality, how to ward off astral attacks and elemental forces, and the facing of unredeemed demons from the past which eventually constitutes what is called in esoteric literature as "the dweller on the threshold." The book is replete with many diagrams of obscure esoteric philosophy such as the inner components of the human being. The book culminates with a sharing of an inspiring lecture given by RN in November, 1981 entitled The Science of Transformation in the Great Work. In all, I have no reservation in highly recommending this unique account, an experiment in group discipleship inspired by one of the Teachers of Wisdom from one of the Inner Ashrams of the Spiritual Hierarchy. This work presents just part of the saga and we are given to understand a sequel is in the offing. Personally I can hardly wait for the manifestation of the second part! ~ Fiona C. Odgren, Author of Insights From the Masters, Timeless Truths of The Secret Doctrine
The author has, in this intriguing and timely book, captured the essence of a lifetime of insight and perspective on The Ancient Mysteries. Many lifetimes could easily be spent by the aspirant in accumulating, analyzing and synthesizing the breadth of Esoteric knowledge that is revealed in this easily accessible format. Profound and rarely revealed Occult teachings are brought into the clarity of daylight through the use of diagrams and visual representations. The soul-penetrating implications of the message contained therein leaves the reader eager for more. ~ Jason Orr, CPA, Author of How To Make Your Numbers Talk: Your Financial Blueprint to Greater Profits