Our Eternal Existence
Channeled entities, like Seth and Michael, maintain that your inner consciousness utilizes expectations to create your life.
Channeled entities, like Seth and Michael, maintain that your inner consciousness utilizes expectations to create your life.
Channeled entities, like Seth and Michael, maintain that your inner consciousness utilizes expectations to create your life.
Inspiration & personal growth, Metaphysics, Mindfulness & meditation
Our Eternal Existence takes the many disparate scientific, religious, and metaphysical principles into account and answers the questions: Who are we? Where are we? and Why are we here? In so doing, it provides a much-needed ethical philosophy to guide mankind - and a personal methodology to improve our lives.
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Thought-provoking. Interesting. Unmatched. I haven't read anything similar to this and I loved that about this work. ~ Melynda Allesandro (Reviewer), Netgalley
This is an interesting exploration of some basic human questions about identity and meaning. Alongside science and religion, he argues that their often separate premises and languages rest in the often understudied and misunderstood field of metaphysics. For the author, the ‘inner self’, seen through the perspective of the spiritual/metaphysical, can move us beyond the languages of both Science and Religion to help us understand and live our ‘best life’. Finding the language, as ever in matters of life and death, can be tricky. Here, we ascribe new meanings to the word ‘spiritual’, but the questions remain the same. Who are we? Why are we here? David Gaggin is an interesting author, and his ideas are challenging and, in part, compelling. His YouTube broadcasts are worth listening to. Progressive Voices Issue 50 ~ Progressive Voices Issue 50, Review
This book delves into metaphysical concepts not typically explored by religious or scientific institutions. It offers thought-provoking ideas about the universe, the power of thoughts, out-of-body experiences, dreams, and the afterlife. Readers seeking answers to life's mysteries will find inspiration and insight within its pages. ~ Sarah-jane Ward (Reviewer), Netgalley
In what is a thoroughly engaging, magnificently fascinating new book, created and sculpted specifically for those with an open mind and interested in tuning into the world of metaphysics, what is brought forth here on these pages is a wealth of research and assembled information from numerous sources and times that combine to showcase a defining picture of a man in tune with everything he is conveying. As I am sure, we are all aware of, well, those interested, at the very least, and in general, consciousness is not a process in the brain but a kind of behaviour that, of course, is controlled by the brain like any other behaviour. Human consciousness emerges on the interface between three components of animal behaviour: communication, play, and the use of tools. These three components interact on the basis of anticipatory behavioral control, which is common for all complex forms of animal life. All three do not exclusively distinguish our close relatives, i.e., primates, but are broadly presented among various species of mammals, birds, and even cephalopods; however, their particular combination in humans is unique. But I digress, for Our Eternal Existence: A Metaphysical Perspective of Reality from author David Gaggin lays out all we need to know about the topic to hand, along with providing answers for all those searching; or those just overly curious about why we are here and what we need to do to progress in life. An easy to read spiritual book - and one that is wholly appropriate for people who are already on a spiritual path, of course - the book is notably not all that long in its paged prose, but that just means you are getting a more concise, yet nonetheless diligently profound way for the reader to learn more about the power of thoughts, out of body experiences, dreams and even the afterlife. And so much more. ~ Exclusive Magazine, Review
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. I have read many books on spirituality and I have to rate this as among the best. It answers very clearly many questions about the other realms/dimensions. It is very much in line with my ways of thinking. It makes more sense of why we are here and the best ways to live our life. Having just finished this I am going to go straight back to the beginning and read again. A must read for anyone seeking the truth about our consciousness and existence. ~ Brad Mace (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. So, I just read "Our Eternal Existence," and I wanted to share what I thought about it. If you're into stuff like science, religion, and thinking about why we're here, this book is for you. It tries to answer the big questions like who we are, where we are, and why we're here. And it's not just about finding answers – it also talks about how we should live better lives. If you're open to new ideas and curious about things like metaphysics (that's like the study of reality and existence), you're gonna find this book super interesting. It doesn't stick to the usual stuff that religious groups or scientists talk about. It's all about exploring stuff that goes beyond our regular thinking. It's for people who wonder why we exist and how we can become better people. Now, don't get me wrong – this book isn't super long, but it's not a quick read either. There's a lot to think about. The author explains things about the universe that can blow your mind. It talks about thoughts being powerful, dreams, experiences that are out of this world, and even what could happen after we die. Plus, there are these cool quotes that make you think even more. What I liked most about this book is that it's okay with not having all the answers. It's like saying, "Hey, we all wonder about stuff, and that's cool. Let's explore together." It talks about how everyone has their own ideas about spirituality and life's meaning. And yeah, religions have different views, but the book is all about considering different perspectives and not just sticking to one. So, if you're into thinking deeply and wondering about life's big mysteries, "Our Eternal Existence" could be a cool book to check out. It's like a journey into understanding ourselves and our place in the universe. Just know that it's not a quick read – there's a lot to chew on. But if you're up for it, it can be a pretty mind-opening experience. ~ Eric Pearson (Librarian), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. This is a fascinating book for those with an open mind and interested in tuning into the world of metaphysics. It offers mind-boggling concepts that aren’t taught by religious groups or scientists. It’s for those that are searching for answers and curious about why we are here and what we need to do to progress in life. It’s not a long book but it takes time to digest the words as there’s a great deal to think about. He explains the mysterious universe in a way that is comprehensible. Readers learn more about the power of thoughts, out of body experiences, dreams and the afterlife. The author shares several inspiring quotes. For years, I have followed the metaphysical perspectives starting with Lobsang Rampa in the 60’s to Edgar Cayce, Jane Roberts, Delores Cannon, Robert Monroe and so many more. For me, much of the book was a comforting review. However, there was additional material I found to be captivating. This is a book to be read again and again filled with intelligent thoughts. ~ Jackie Sunday (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars. Our Eternal Existence by David Gaggin is an interesting deep dive into the nature of consciousness, and our spiritual existence. I liked that this book breaks down important metaphysical concepts in a variety of ways, and I enjoyed the author's exploration. ~ Jessica Moody (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Great book. There are a lot of questions that we (or at least I) have regarding the meaning of life and spirituality. I believe that we all have to seek answers in a way that resonates with us. The concerning thing about religion is that each has its own perspective. I believe we all are connected and considering alternatives from various alternatives is so beneficial. ~ John Hebert (Reviewer), NetGalley
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars. The purpose of this well written and well researched book is 1) to challenge your ideas about the nature of religion. 2) to help people who are struggling with various aspects of their lives; 3) provide a basis for an ethical conduct that is based on the inherent beliefs of self identity; 4) to help people realize all is one. Views the world from a metaphysical viewpoint, as opposed to scientific or religious viewpoint. Notes. Bibliography. Glossary. Index. ~ Janet Ilacqua (Reviewer), NetGalley
An essential and groundbreaking book. MUST READ! ~ G L Davies - author of Harvest: The True Story of Alien abduction , Review
This extraordinary and engaging work provides an illuminating roadmap for the spiritual aspirant. It answers many questions that ’seekers’ ask and points their thinking process in an extremely helpful direction. ~ Ron and Mary Hulnick, Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica
What David has written here is nothing less than an encyclopedia of spirituality. If you are seeking answers for… Who am I? Where am I? Why am I here? You will be rewarded with a codex of spiritual knowledge to answer these questions and this book is like a guidepost with signs pointing in the relevant and researched directions to guide your spiritual path. This is an easy to read, concise, spiritual book that is appropriate for people who are already on a spiritual path as well as those who are just starting out. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. ~ Miki Jacobs, psychic, medium, spiritual teacher, and author
Gaggin's scientific background lends itself to "Our Eternal Existence" by revealing complex spiritual secrets that anyone can understand, bridging how science, religion, and philosophical concepts intertwine with metaphysical ideas often dismissed. Gaggin’s "Our Eternal Existence” is a sign of hope that our species is evolving to realize that 'spirit,' the human spirit, is to be revered like the mind and body and can positively change our world when they are in union. ~ Laura Lee, Host of the Radio Medium Laura Lee Show
Not since Phillip K. Dick's EXEGESIS or Edgar Allan Poe's EUREKA has a modern writer attempted to explain our existence and universe in a way that elegantly weaves and melds so many theories and concepts of the 3-BIG-C's: Consciousness, Creation and the Cosmos. Like Dick and Poe, David Gaggin offers in this book a learned and original "ultimate" explanation of all phenomena, both "normal" and paranormal, the juicy fruit of a lifetime of inquisitiveness and inquiry. ~ Paul Davids author of "An Atheist in Heaven" and award winning Hollywood film director
Our Eternal Existence is a remarkable book. David Gaggin has done the research and assembled information from numerous sources and times to present a unified view of the metaphysical and physical universes. This is a book of wisdom and a catalyst for change. ~ Ken Elliott, author of Manifesting 1, 2, 3
Our Eternal Existence: How Expectations Control Our Lives, by David V. Gaggin is a well written, and researched book which delves deeply into belief versus science. Religion and Science have both become inflexible as followers of each are unbending in their assumption, they are correct. However, as David demonstrates that before arriving at any conclusions, one must examine the whole picture. As an attorney I have a mind trained in analytical thinking and skepticism. Our Eternal Existence appeals to both of these aspects of my being and that is why I highly recommend and endorse Our Eternal Existence as an authoritative classic in the field of metaphysics. ~ Mark Anthony, JD Psychic Explorer, author of the bestsellers The Afterlife Frequency, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go