Snapshots From My Uneventful Life

Snapshots From My Uneventful Life

“Snapshots” is a book that everyone will identify with, and that will have you holding your stomach with laughter and scratching your head in wonder!

Snapshots From My Uneventful Life

“Snapshots” is a book that everyone will identify with, and that will have you holding your stomach with laughter and scratching your head in wonder!

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Apr 27, 2018

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Apr 27, 2018

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David I. Aboulafia
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Humorous (general), Personal memoirs, Topic - marriage & family


"…she drove her right fist three inches deep into my solar plexus, putting her entire 102 pounds behind the blow. I retreated a full foot but remained on my feet. I gasped, treasuring the oxygen remaining in my lungs, and knew that little more was likely to enter there for some time. I wondered how long a person could live without breathing. More so, I wondered how long I could convince my sixteen-year-old daughter that I was unfazed by her puny blow."

In this hysterical, irreverent and sometimes thought-provoking collection of essays, the author takes us on a journey through everyday, real-life events that start out as uneventful, but that wind up being anything but. 'Snapshots' is a book that everyone will identify with, and that will have you holding your stomach with laughter!

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