Holistic Counseling - Introducing the Vis Dialogue

Holistic Counseling - Introducing the Vis Dialogue

Holistic Counseling is a revolutionary form of counseling that helps the patient to discover their own healing, by connecting mind and body, to resolve even physical illness.

Holistic Counseling - Introducing the Vis Dialogue

Holistic Counseling is a revolutionary form of counseling that helps the patient to discover their own healing, by connecting mind and body, to resolve even physical illness.

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Mar 25, 2016

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Mar 25, 2016

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Moshe Daniel Block
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Counseling, Healing (general), Holism


Holistic Counseling - Introducing "The Vis Dialogue" is about a cutting-edge, revolutionary new process of counseling that helps the practitioner connect the patient’s mind with their body to establish the real root cause of illness and disease. This technique helps to empower the patient to understand how their body is a reflection of their mind and how their illness also reflects that. This counseling technique alone has often been enough to heal incurable and protracted physical diseases without drugs, supplements, or any other form of remedy.

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